Lorri Morgan, Publicity
This year celebrates the club’s 25th birthday! We are known for all the fun we have. Witness our 2018 Member/Guest tournament where we Clowned Around the Course. We started play this year on Nov. 7 with a game cruelly rewarding those with the fewest putts. Nov. 14 was our Welcome Back Luncheon and meeting, honoring past presidents. We have big plans for new and old events. December will have an Ugly Sweater competition with a party after golf. January will have the final round of Club Championship with wine tasting afterwards. In February, we will host the Cottonwood 18ers who are envious of our 1 p.m. time slot at that time of year. March is the big Member/Guest tournament, with theme and details still in the works. April will have a Farewell Luncheon before some of our snowbirds fly. Club play continues through the end of May, officially, but many of us stay birds ignore the sweat and play on Thursday mornings all summer long.
The CWPV Community Day was a big success for us, recruiting 10 new members. As of this writing (Nov. 6), 32 ladies had taken advantage of the special price of $350.00 for the Niners’ season, with six of those being newbies. The majority have annual passes, but the special price is a real deal if you play regularly. Punch cards for nine holes are another option. Our club has grown so much that the Thursday afternoon 1 p.m. shotgun is reserved exclusively for Niners’ playing 9 holes. Other golfers can tee off when we have finished.
Come join the fun. There are still six months of gentle golf competition, lots of new friends, and did I mention FUN?