The Perfect Place is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides social and recreational activities for adults with cognitive challenges in a structured, safe environment while offering support and respite for the family caregiver. We also offer education about cognitive changes and the aging process.
Although we have been serving Sun Lakes since 2004, we had to temporarily shut down due to COVID-19. When we re-opened, it felt like a reunion when staff and participants were able to engage in activities together again. It was a joy to hear the laughter as participants joined friends they hadn’t seen for many weeks at the “welcome back” party. It was difficult to discern facial expressions behind their masks, but delight shined through their eyes as they entered the room that had been so familiar to them from the past. The families (caregivers) remarked that they saw positive changes in the behavior of their loved ones after attending a 3-hour session. The caregivers felt like different people having had a short break away from their responsibilities of caring for their family member. It was a win-win for all!
We want the community to know we are open and inviting families to experience our programs. We will bring our volunteers back once our daily enrollment increases. Please visit our new website at to see more of what we offer. Call The Perfect Place at 480-895-2892 to reserve a space in one of our sessions.
Want to help? Put your Amazon and Fry’s purchasing power to work to help us continue to support families by choosing The Perfect Place as your non-profit recipient and registering your Fry’s card within its Community Rewards program under EK019 to designate The Perfect Place to receive a percentage of your purchases.