Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church
As I write this article, we are still celebrating in the afterglow of Easter Sunday. Lilies, Easter bonnets, and for the lucky ladies, corsages may be on your mind. But far too often what we forget is, in today’s world, in the life of believers, the best is yet to come.
We know from the book of Acts we are promised there would be a day called Pentecost. For those unaware, the day of Pentecost took place 50 days after the Passover. Scripture teaches in Acts 2:1, “when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place,” and the world turned upside down forever. It was noisy like a “violent rushing wind” … the arrival of Holy Spirit.
Reading on in Acts 2, followers of Christ were continually devoting themselves to four key elements God desires in the life of His followers: the apostles’ teaching, fellowship among one another, breaking of bread together, and prayer. Interestingly enough, as they committed themselves to those elements, it created a sense of awe, also known as wonder, astounded, amazed, stunned, astonished, or stupendous. That simply means this: verse 44 tells us, “all those who had believed were together, and they had all things in common.”
In the past month, like so many other churches in the area, we have celebrated the lives of followers of Christ that have been well spent. They have been called home to be with their Lord and Savior and receive their precious promise of eternal life. What has been amazing to see is how their community of faith has rallied to their side to love and care for those who remain with meals, flowers, hugs, and physical presence.
This past month I have been reminded of the beauty of the community of faith. I have also been reminded that in the midst of heartache, hard times, and, yes, pandemics, having community makes all the difference in the world. Knowing that someone is there to hold your hand, offer support, and pick you up when you fall gives many of us the ability to get out of bed and face a new day. I would be lost without community, and if, by chance, you are feeling alone, consider the value of community. A community of friends that no matter how frail, fractured, or flawed you are, there are those who will receive you just exactly how you are. If you are part of a community of believers, remind them this week of how important they are to you. If you are not, Sun Lakes is filled with faith communities that would love to get to know you. Our community of believers at Sun Lakes Community Church would love the chance to welcome you. Life can be hard, trying, and sometimes even scary, but in a community, real community, a community of faith, you will never face those times alone. Remember, it takes a community.