June 2022

Sun Lakes Tennis Club

Jerry Vance We finished the year with a great party at the home of outgoing President Ed Campion. We elected Tony Horn to be our new leader and Nancy Sojan as secretary. Donations to the Tennis Club are gladly accepted. We finished the year with the Remembrance Tournament on April 2. Many of our snowbirds…

SLLGA Results

Judy Wegener We have begun saying goodbye to our snowbird friends for the current season. So good to see our Canadian residents back after an almost two-year hiatus. Looking forward to next season and getting back to “normal”! 4/5/22 Low Net Flight 1: 1st Lynda Smith, 2nd Judy Bray, 3rd Kathy Schneider; Flight 2: 1st…

OLGA Recap

Kathy Burns Our OLGA numbers are dwindling and we miss our friends from other places, but our competition continues. On April 12 we counted the holes that begin with O.N.E.S. The winner in Flight 1 was Karen Tucker, and tied for second were Joan Hammond, Sue Pederson, and Mary Dyrseth. In Flight 2 the winner…

Tennis Tip from Coach Kwong

Are you a proactive or reactive player? If you are a reactive player, then you will for sure make it harder for you and your partner to capitalize on the win. As a player, you must have good decision-making skills and be a good trouble-shooter. This enables you to fix things when they are not…


If you are new to the community or would like to spend some time on the golf course, why not join the Men’s Oakwood Golf Association(MOGA)? Our Thursday games are a good way to meet some new friends. You don’t have to be a resident of IronOaks to join our group. We have over 380…

Niners April Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity It is my sad duty to announce the recent passing of former Niner Duane Pontek. Duane was an active member as well as the president of the IronOaks HOA Board of Directors, and golfers could always depend on his support in golf-related matters. Our sincere condolences are offered to his wife Carol…

Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken This is a public service announcement—The CLGA must replace the current and totally inept sharer of club news. People’s names are left off pictures, news stories don’t match accompanying photos, and all reports are a month old. Well, I guess the “month old” business can’t be helped. While the powers that be ponder…

April CMGA Results

Buddy Meola On April 2 an Ace of Aces qualifier was played with six flights. The low gross and low net from each flight qualified for next year’s Ace of Aces tournament. Flight 1: Low Gross John Stromstad, Low Net David Reap; Flight 2: Low Gross Kip Kaler, Low Net Lee Lightfoot; Flight 3: Low…

Korean War Veterans

Chapter Commander Leon “Skip” Johnson The local Korean War Veterans chapter continues to be on track, meeting regularly on a monthly basis, with their scheduled meetings being held in the meeting room at the IHOP restaurant in the Target Shopping Center off Arizona Avenue. During the summer months, normal scheduled meetings are placed in limbo…