Dink Pink Team: Barb Byczko, Jeanne Burtzel, Susan Roth, Jodie Powers, Susan Imm, Teresa Hermsen, Captain Wanda Siedlecki, Renee Seifert, Co-captain Kish Kishbaugh
Dink Pink, Sun Lakes Pickleball Club Cottonwood (SLPCC) women’s travel pickleball team, won its first match against Encore Dinking Buddies of Encore at Eastmark in Mesa. As Dink Pink said, “First match. First win. First day.” Yes, that’s right! Dink Pink won their first match on opening day of competition, Jan. 2, 2024. This is the third year of competition for Dink Pink and the first year of coaching for our new captain, Wanda Siedlecki. Captain Siedlecki has brought skill sets to team practices she has learned as a certified pickleball instructor. Dink Pink is lucky to have her!
Our Dink Pink team plays in the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL), a nonprofit organization that promotes organized, competitive, team-based play throughout Arizona. SLPCC currently has five teams playing in the APPL league (four women’s teams and one men’s team).
Our Dink Pink team name comes from our pink shirts and the pickleball dink shot. For those who are not pickleball obsessed, a dink shot is hitting the ball right over the net back and forth until the ball is high enough that someone slams it down the middle! Yes, indeed, very fun!
Dink Pink is proud of their first win. It’s hard to win in this league. And it’s double hard to win on the road. We have a few more matches to win. Congratulations, and Go Dink Pink!