SLFD’s “Brush 231”
Brian Curry
During unprecedented wildfire season Sun Lakes Fire Department’s Brush 231 deployed again, this time to northern Montana.
Firefighters receive anniversary recognitions
Acting Chief of Department, Dan Guerra, recognized three members of the Sun Lakes Fire Department including his number two in command at the monthly fire board meeting.
Acting Deputy Chief Tim Kelly celebrated his twentieth anniversary with Sun Lakes Fire Department. Kelly has worked his way through the ranks starting as a Firefighter/Paramedic through Captain and Battalion Chief and is now currently serving as acting Deputy Chief. As the Operations Chief he coordinates capital improvement projects and the apparatus maintenance program. Kelly also liaisons with the Community Assistance Program with their popular Flash Drive program.
Engineer Dave DeGraaf was recognized for his tenth anniversary. DeGraaf who began his Sun Lakes career as a Firefighter/EMT completed requirements to become an Engineer and Paramedic. He has made numerous public education presentations and served with the Apparatus Committee. In addition he is a member of the Sun Lakes Wildland team and was instrumental in the implementation of the Call Back Staffing for managing manpower for emergency response personnel and Community Assistance volunteer members.
Celebrating his fifteenth year with Sun Lakes was Nate Van Briesen. Van Briesen is also an Engineer/Paramedic who originally started as a Firefighter/EMT. In addition to also serving on the Apparatus Committee like DeGraaf, Van Briesen has also served as a Paramedic preceptor for new Paramedic students. He has also taught EMT (emergency medical technician) refresher courses to department members. Van Briesen was also responsible for extensive research on the “dash cam” on the Battalion Chief’s vehicle that has been used for training purposes and reviewing calls from the Incident Commander’s view.