Don Hall, Susan Carter, and Doug Williams
Doug Williams
The Sun Lakes Rock, Gem & Silver Club Board of Directors surprised three members with “Lifetime Membership” in the Sun Lakes Rock, Gem & Silver Club. President Kathy Norman presented a motion to the November general meeting, which was seconded, and all those present unanimously voted “yea” to honor three members with Lifetime Membership.
Don Hall: Perhaps you’ll recall last month’s “Member Spotlight” on Don who is truly a mainstay giver of his time, as well as a stalwart supporter of all things Rock Club. Don is currently training his successor as equipment manager, which is the critical and vital position of keeping the machines running smoothly in all four craft shops. Don also serves as chair for Lapidary and Opals while teaching as an instructor in Lost Wax and Silver.
Susan Carter: Always available to share her vast experience, Susan enjoys being an instructor in Silver, as well as co-chairing the Silver craft’s chair position. Susan holds a master’s degree from New York’s highly creative Pratt Institute and a bachelor’s from Hofstra University.
No stranger to teaching, Susan taught art in high school and then 27 years of teaching junior college students fine arts and jewelry. Susan studied Japanese art in Tokyo, and with her love of travel, she has visited every continent (except Antarctica). Doing what? Well, artists need to show their work, so she has exhibited fine art prints, etchings, and monotypes all over the USA, as well as China, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, Spain, and Australia! Now you can benefit from all of her experience by taking her class in Silver.
Doug Williams: Last, and really the least contributor in terms of teaching and monitoring club functions, I am happy to communicate with our nearly 200 members via emailed newsletters.
I’m also pleased to be able to coordinate publicity with an occasional “blurbette” in the form of an article like this in the monthly Sun Lakes Splash. I also get a kick out of being asked to help out with students’ questions in the Oakwood shop. But in spite of my 60 years of being an amateur silversmith, I still melt the bezel if I let the torch get it too hot! Ha ha. Only those who have taken a Silver class will know the satisfaction of doing it right.
So, if you’re ready to have fun, get creative, and learn something new, all you have to do is show up at 10 a.m. at our general meeting on Monday, Jan. 15, in the Lecture Hall of Cottonwood Country Club.
Want to check us out online? Just go to slrgs.com and you’ll see all 19 of the classes and all of the really cool things you can make by joining the Rock Club for only $30 a year!