FUN da MENTAL Bridge graduates enjoyed the Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club’s annual holiday party and bridge game. Pictured (left to right) are Colin Ives, Dianne Zimmerman, Pete Harris, and Melissa Denton.
Maria Davis
FUN da MENTAL Bridge is offering a variety of bridge classes starting in January. Learn with certified ACBL Better Bridge instructors Karin Hansen and Maria Davis.
Back by popular demand! Have fun. Exercise your brain. Hundreds of your neighbors have taken enjoyable, stimulating, FUN da MENTAL Bridge lessons.
Bridge for the True Beginner. Classes are Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 3:15 p.m. at Risen Savior Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, five weeks, Jan. 24 through Feb. 21. The cost is $60, plus texts, available from the instructor. This is an introduction to the game of bridge, including opening bids and responses, as well as playing the hand. Contact instructor Karin Hansen at 612-242-8593 [email protected] to indicate your interest in taking the class.
Refresher Bridge. Classes are Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 3:15 p.m. at Risen Savior Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, six weeks, Feb. 14 through March 20. The cost is $72, plus texts, available from the instructor. This class reviews modern opening bids and responses and introduces conventions used with No Trump openings, slam conventions, declarer play, and bidding with competition. Contact instructor Karin Hansen at 612-242-8593 or [email protected] to indicate your interest in taking the class.
Beginner Bridge Plus. Classes are Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 3:15 p.m. at Risen Savior Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, nine weeks, Jan. 24 through March 20. The cost is $108, plus texts, available from the instructor. This class is a combination of Beginner Bridge plus the continuation into Refresher Bridge. Contact instructor Karin Hansen at 612-242-8593 or [email protected] to indicate your interest in taking the class.
Competitive Bidding. Classes are Monday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. in Activity Room A-7 in Cottonwood Country Club, Sun Lakes, six weeks, Feb. 12 through March 18. The cost is $72, plus text, available through the instructor. This class covers weak 2 bids, takeout doubles, overcalls/advances, competitive auctions, and two review sessions. Only interested in one or two topics? Individual classes are $15 each. Contact Instructor Maria Davis at 480-883-2826 or [email protected] to register.
Thursday Morning Novice Duplicate Bridge Game with Lesson. This is a practice-type teaching game for novices and Social Bridge players interested in learning about Duplicate Bridge and improving their skills in a relaxed atmosphere. There is a 15-minute lesson at 9 a.m., followed by playing duplicated hands related to the lesson. During bidding of the hands, you may ask questions. Everyone is welcome, with or without a partner. After the game, you will receive a printout of the hands that you played and your personal results. Have fun while learning and improving your game! Please arrive at 8:40 a.m. to purchase an entry. The cost is $10 for non-members and $8 for members. Games are held Thursday mornings from 9 to 11:45 a.m. at Risen Savior Lutheran Church, 23914 S. Alma School Road, in Chandler. Games are held weekly from October through May. For more information, contact [email protected].