Wheelchair Tennis Exhibition

Left to right: Obanel Serrano, Andrew Bognanov, Scott Stenzel, Mike Smith, and Kaitlyn Verfuerth

Jerry Higgins

Cottonwood Tennis Club extended its annual Bradshaw/Neu Tournament to include an outstanding tennis exhibition match by wheelchair athletes from Ability360 Sports & Fitness Center. Prior to the actual match play, the events for the afternoon included contests by the members in an accuracy serve challenge to hit specific points on the court as well as service speed. About 15 members participated with Bob Bell (Cottonwood) and Susan Hood having the accuracy of serve. Craig Twitchell (IronOaks) stunned the radar gun with a 91-mph serve. Ability360s coach Kaitlyn Verfuerth topped the ladies group without any warm-up serves, and from her wheelchair, turned the gun up to 67 mph. Kaitlyn was once ranked number 8 in the world for women’s wheelchair tennis players.

Following these festive activities, fans and spectators joined in the happy hour of drinks and snacks provided by The Battery Doctor. Attention then turned to court 1 when the wheelchair play began, and the 105 spectators expressed amazement of the 360 athletes. Kaitlyn and her teammate guys all expressed sincere gratitude for the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and the hospitality and friendship shown to them by the Cottonwood Tennis Club.