A Checklist to Conquer the Clutter

Kim Kubsch

Our home is often a metaphor for our life. As you clear your clutter, celebrate what you do rather than what you didn’t do. And don’t wait too long to get started.

Let’s begin the process and clear the clutter in one small area. Remember to think, “Use it, love it, or get rid of it.” Then clear the clutter in one larger area. Finally, completely clear the clutter in one room.

Why? Clutter clearing simplifies your life so you can create space to do those things in life that are important to you. It opens the space for more love, freedom, and joy. Ask yourself if it’s time to find a new home for it or time to discard it. Try using this checklist as you make those decisions:

Do consult and involve your family.

Don’t try to take it all with you.

Do be generous with your belongings.

Don’t overvalue what you need to sell or dispose of.

Do count your blessings on a daily basis. Through gratitude, joy expands.

Don’t overexert yourself in an effort to conquer your downsizing project. Help is always nearby, whether it be for junk removal, decluttering friend, or organizing/downsizing expert.

As you work through the areas you want to conquer the clutter in, apply this clearing checklist. Keep in mind the word “place” and its meaning, as it is a keyword in decluttering.

“P” is for Purge—make purging part of your regular routine. It’s what is going to keep your home clutter-free for good.

“L” is for Like or similar items together.

“A” is for Access—frequency of use should determine the most accessible items.

“C” is for Container—clear is the best for visual recognition.

“E” is for Evaluate—life isn’t static. Keep reevaluating, as we tend to collect or accumulate over time.

Sometimes simply moving an object from one room to another can make a big difference. Remember, it seems there is never time to put things away, but there is always time wasted looking for them! Put things back where they belong and store them where you use them—out of sight, out of mind.

It is never too early to start conquering the clutter. It will help you prepare for the future and feel less burdened when it’s time to move. Remove all of the items that you keep “just in case” and identify a few of your favorite charities or thrift stores you can deliver them to.

Remember, if you want fresh, new energy in to flood your life, make the space and find the best place for it! To create more inner peace, let go of your clutter. As Mother Theresa said, “The more you have, the more occupied you are. The less you have, the more free you are.”

To propel your downsizing efforts prior to your transition, contact me for a free 30-minute consultation. Contact me at 480-720-8566 or [email protected].

Check back monthly for more ideas about organizing, decluttering, and downsizing! Visit www.JoyfulDownsizing.com to order my book Getting Your Life Together Organizer, available in printed paperback or downloadable and editable eBook.