Penelope in Summer Flowers by Agave Quilter Nancy Kirk, who turned a personal photo into a stunning quilt using several art techniques.
Johnie Scofield, Publicity Chair
The Agave Quilters of Sun Lakes will hold their first meeting of the new season on September 2 at 1:00 p.m. in the Oakwood Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club. The special guest speaker for the September meeting is Carolyn Woods of Totally Tidy, a business devoted to helping sewers and crafters organize their workspace and supplies to the client’s best advantage. Carolyn is a true leader in this field and has helped quilting greats like Alex Anderson and Diana McClun create dream workspaces where they design those wonderful patterns we know and love. Several years ago, Mrs. Woods started her own company, Totally Tidy, which is committed to finding alternative and creative ways of storing any quilter’s fabric and supplies. Carolyn also wrote a wonderful book titled, Organizing Solutions for Every Quilter, which will be for sale at the meeting. It is chock full of inexpensive and unusual ideas for helping quilters achieve a quality sewing space. All of us have had the problem of not being able to find that ruler or tool we know we have, when we need it (which is right now) only to have to buy it again. Organizing Solutions for Every Quilter is a comprehensive guide that can be used as a blueprint for the do-it yourself type person. Carolyn believes that if you can “identify what’s causing the clutter,” every sewer can learn how to turn their sewing space, no matter what the size, into a more creative place where there is both time and space to do what we love best – which is quilt! Also, at the September meeting several new Board members will be introduced and important changes to Agave will be discussed. So join us on September 2 at 1:00 p.m. in the Oakwood Ballroom for a fun and informative event.