Pictured are Barbara Garman, Betty Bogaard, and Georgia Hartman. Not present are Jo Anne Robertson and Mary La Tourelle.

Marti Kellogg’s embroidered landscape art quilt
Debi Loofburrow
The Agavé Quilters met on Wednesday, April 6. During the business meeting, the guild voted for and approved the 2022 slate of officers. President Betty Bogaard, Co-Vice Presidents Barbara Garman and Georgia Hartman, and Co-Secretaries Jo Anne Robertson and Mary La Tourelle will be installed at the meeting on May 4.
A challenge was issued to guild members in January: Create an art piece (small quilt) showing “you” doing what you love. Eight of the members rose to the challenge and made amazing art pieces.
Our guest speaker, Agavé member Marti Kellogg, shared many of her amazing art and collage quilts, many of which included embroidery.
Our next meeting will be held on May 4 and will be interactive. Members are encouraged to bring any and all of their UFOs (“unfinished objects/projects”) that they hope to complete during the summer. They will bring them back in September, October, or November and receive points for their progress or lack thereof! The one with the most points will receive a gift at the Dec. 7 Holiday Luncheon at Palo Verde Country Club.
Agavé Quilters Guild is open to new members of all skill levels. General meetings are held September through May on the first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club. Each meeting features a guest speaker, a brief business update from the board members, and a “show and tell” session, allowing members to share their projects with the group. For further information, please contact Co-President Faith Bragg at [email protected] or Co-President Shari Davison at [email protected], or Membership Chair Dennie Sullivan at [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you to our Agavé Quilt Guild, the original Sun Lakes Quilt Guild since 1995!