Apple Club

Marilyn Conner

Reminder: Classes are now on the second Monday of the month.

Hello Apple Device Users:

Our March 10 class is on photography. Who of us hasn’t been thrilled to capture a special moment or business card or item to check out later right in the instant? You will learn to do even more.

This class will cover photography for your iPhone and iPad. Some of the topics will be on pixels, resolutions, different formats, and saving photos.

Please remember to go to our website at and click on Club Classes. Click the date of the class and “more info.” Click RSVP to register for that class. We want to make sure there are chairs for everyone.

Classes are free. We do accept donations to cover the cost of printing and supplies.

If you are accessing through the QR code, click on the red circle (upper right) to find Club Classes to register.

Our meeting will be on Monday, March 10, starting at 1 p.m. at the Cottonwood Computer Learning Center, adjacent to the tennis courts. We look forward to seeing you there.