Scott Sandell
Gary Bross
Fall classes are now underway. The newly remodeled Cottonwood Phoenix Room in the completely remodeled old Fitness Center Area will be our primary classroom.
Our schedule is as follows:
On Sept. 20 we held class at the Apple Store at the Chandler Fashion Center. The first in a series of six classes at the Apple Store over the next couple of months was a basic Getting Started with iPad class. Fifteen members attended and were pleased with what they learned. Register for future Apple Store classes on the website.
On Oct. 3 Syed Fraz of Experimax held class in the Phoenix Room. The topic was populating and managing your iPhone contact list and describing its many functional uses. Messaging (texting), including dictation, was discussed in detail. Thirty-five members attended.
On Nov. 7 Scott Sandell, president of the Phoenix Chapter of the Foundation for Personal Financial Education and owner of Secure Estate Solutions, will hold class in the Phoenix Room on Preparing for the Passing of a Life Partner. Timing is on the website. This class is not so much Apple oriented as it is more practically provided for residents in our age group. Register for the class on the website (40 guests max).
On Dec. 5, our own Gary T. will hold class on security, scams, password protection, and ransomware, and will open and discuss questions submitted in advance of the class. Timing is on the website. Register for the class on the website (40 guests max).
Register for classes by visiting the website, sunlakesappleclub.com. Then, under “Upcoming Events,” click on the “Details” of the event to find the date, time, and place of the event, and then follow the instructions under “Register Now” to sign up for the event. Registration is limited due to room size, nature of the discussion, and health safety concerns.
We continue to offer our question-and-answer problem-solving service one-on-one. Just submit your issue or question to [email protected] and we will reply to you, usually within a few days.
Our club’s mission is to provide a forum that is educational, supportive, and fun—where we can all learn how to get the most from our Apple devices, regardless of our knowledge level. We are a no-fee club, and our objective is to remain so. As always, we continue to invite new members.