Watercolor painting by member Jill Gianino
Sue Sindelar
Welcome back, DAC members, from all places colder than here in Sun Lakes. We treasure our fellow artists and friends who are returning and look forward to creating art together. You have been missed. We had a busy Cottonwood Open House last month, and many artists expressed interest in our club. We have welcomed many new members throughout this past year, and our club is flourishing.
The Desert Artists Club meets each Tuesday afternoon throughout the year from 3 to 6 p.m. Many leave closer to 5 or 5:30 p.m. to head home for dinner. We meet in the Ceramics Room (A-8) in Cottonwood, across from the Golf Pro Shop and in the courtyard by the library. Any artist within the three HOAs of Sun Lakes is able to join. We have no membership fees and few meetings. We gather to be with other artists to create in a fun and accepting environment. Each artist brings their own supplies and works in their preferred medium. Some artists paint with watercolor, acrylics, oils, or mixed media. Others enjoy drawing portraits of people or pets, landscapes, or interesting objects using pastels, colored pencils, or charcoal. We have many accomplished artists in our group, as well as those just beginning to dabble in art. All are welcome and will be encouraged and inspired by others. We have occasional social gatherings and times when we share our art as a group. Many artists are preparing for Art at the Lakes to sell or display their art in March.
If you are an artist and new to Sun Lakes and wish more information, you can contact me at [email protected] or 480-745-2198 and leave a message. Most questions can be answered by any of our members. You may stop by any Tuesday to see what we are about. Come and join us.