Front: Ginger Henry; back (left to right): Mary Vandergriff, Lew Crawford, Jim Janowski (photo by Barry Berger)
Director Sandy Bocynesky will be looking for nine females and three males for speaking parts in the upcoming fall production of Rex’s Exes. There is also one male non-seen voiceover role and a non-speaking walk-on role for a tall person who can be either male or female.
Scripts will be available beginning Aug. 15 for borrowing at Sandy’s home but must be returned within 10 days. A sign-up sheet will be located with the scripts on her front porch.
Auditions will be conducted on Sept. 11 from noon to 2 p.m. in the A-6 Dance Room at Cottonwood Country Club. The cast will be announced on Sept. 14. A read-through will also be held Sept. 18 from noon to 2 p.m. in Room A-6 in Cottonwood. Rehearsals will begin the first week of October on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The show will run Nov. 15 through Nov. 19 in the San Tan Ballroom in Cottonwood. For further information, contact Sandy at 480-283-1145 or email her at [email protected].
The Sun Lakes Community Theatre welcomes new members year-round. If interested in joining or learning more about us, you will find information for both at www.slctinfo.com.