Kate King-Turner
A comedic tribute to the Bogart movies of the 1940s, written by David Landau with music by Nikki Stern, Murder at the Café Noir, will be presented in July by Sun Lakes Community Theatre. Auditions are being held on Saturday, May 18, in the San Tan Ballroom from 10 a.m. until noon.
Characters include Rick Archer, a private eye; Madam Toureau, manager of the café; Sheila Wonderly, a spoiled, rich girl; Anthony Cairo, a dealer in the black market; Marie Larue, a fortune teller; Simon Gutterman, a British barrister; Thursby, a gun runner; Vangilder, a blackmailer; and Rigfield, a British cop (the last three characters are all played by the same person).
Scripts can be obtained by calling Sandy at 480-326-2709 or by emailing her at pallets32@aol.com. Performances will be July 24-28 in the San Tan Ballroom.