The boys (photo by John Terranova)
John Terranova, President
Registration for the second session started on Dec. 1 and will continue until Jan. 8 at our club’s website www.sunlakesbocceclub.com. Those interested can complete a registration form and pay the $25 registration fee online, which covers the cost for a two-person team for the second session. Any individual who needs assistance in registering can contact the club’s membership director at 630-309-3832.
The second session of competitive play will begin Jan. 16 and run through March 19, followed by our Potluck Awards Banquet on March 26.
The first session has been a huge success, with 200 Sun Lakers participating in bocce competition, and it has been great to see our courts occupied daily.
As always, all new players to the game, or those who require it, can request instruction by our Training Committee by forwarding an email to the attention of the membership director at [email protected].