Oakwood Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge
3/16. 1st Joyce Rasmussen and Lydia Kolsch, 2nd Jim Gibson and Newell Orr, 3rd Dan Rosler and Dot McKinney; Slam (small): Jim Gibson and Newell Orr
3/23. 1st Irene Edmund and Dorothy Thurman, 2nd Lori Scharbach and Karen Harnish, 3rd Joyce Rasmussen and Nancee Jacobson; Slam (three small): Irene Edmund and Dorothy Thurman
3/30. 1st Barbara Kaplan and Nancee Jacobson, 2nd Karen Harnish and Lori Scharbach, 3rd Bernie Ross and Dee Guthrie; Slam (big slam: Paul Budrick and Newell Orr
4/06. 1st Marian Carlisle and Marge Fischer, 2nd Ken and Rosemary Shutts, 3rd Karen Harnish and Lori Scharbach; Slam (big slam): Marian Carlisle and Marge Fischer
Sun Lakes Country Club 12:15 p.m. Tuesday Social Bridge
3/17. 1st Mary Ann Anner, 2nd Fred Schneider, 3rd Ben Ray; Slam: Dan Rosler and Joyce Rasmussen
3/24. 1st Jo Hughes, 2nd Karen Hess, 3rd Chuck Smith; Slam: Karen Hess and Carolyn Abbott
3/31. 1st Jeannie Kitzman, 2nd Irene Edmunds, 3rd John Young; Slam: Irene Edmunds and Sandy Hinrichs
4/07. 1st Dan Rosler, 2nd Fred Schneider, 3rd Rita Seth; Slam: Joyce Rasmussen and Dorothy Thurman
Iron/Oak Ladies Friday Bridge
3/13. 1st Dottie McKinney, 2nd Betty Smith; Slam: Betty Smith and Dottie McKinney; Hostesses: Lori Scharbach and Karen Harnish
3/20. 1st Fran Carissimo, 2nd Marge Fischer; Hostesses: Sue Disario and Kaye Gallagher
3/27. 1st Carolyn Ablott, 2nd Peggy Kuntz; Hostesses: Linda Meylink and Connie Morrissey
4/03. 1st Jean Womack, 2nd Jeannie Kitzman; Hostesses: Connie Morrissey and Jan Schroeder
Fourth Friday Bridge
Gloria Danker
The Fourth Friday Bridge met on March 27 at the Palo Verde Country Club. Winners were: 1st Kathryn Berreth, 2nd Gloria Danker, 3rd Helen Yarnell. Barbara Kaplan won the door prize.
Please call Bette Samuels for reservations at 895-2998. Cancellations are due by Wednesday week of play.
Sun Lakes Country Club Saturday Couples Bridge
3/07. 1st Dick and Donna Briner, 2nd Bernie Ross and Dee Guthrie, 3rd Doris and Ed Krenek; Slam: Bernie Ross and Dee Guthrie
3/21. 1st Barbara Kaplan and Newell Orr, 2nd Maurine and Bill Howell, 3rd Nancy and Chuck Smith; Slam: (Tie) Newell Orr and Barbara Kaplan and Karen Harnish and Lori Scharbach
3/28. 1st Barbara Kaplan and Newell Orr, 2nd Joyce Rasmussen and Marlys Long, 3rd Jeannie Kitzman and Dottie McKinney; Slam: Barbara Kaplan and Newell Orr
4/04. 1st Lori Scharbach and Karen Harnish, 2nd Eleanor Hinerichsen and Jim Mildenberg; 3rd Sandy Hinrichs and Dot Brady; Slam: Lori Scharbach and Karen Harnish

Winners pictured (seated left to right) first place Gerri Deublein, second place Karen Ryan, (standing left to right) third place (tie) Betty Perry and Carolyn Rogers. Rita Stadler and Sandy Bealmear were winners of the cash drawings.
Lady Joker’s Wild Hand and Foot Group
The Lady Jokers Wild Hand and Foot card group, which meets on Thursday afternoons in the Bradford Room of the Oakwood Clubhouse, recently completed their second annual Hand and Foot Tournament.