Calling All Sun Lakers

Sharon Gerdik

How long have you lived in Sun Lakes? Have you been here for years? Did you just move here recently? Are you here for just part of each year? No matter which category you fall into, you should consider joining the Sun Lakes Community Theatre (SLCT)! Whatever your skills and interests may be, we would love to have you as a member. You don’t need to excel in anything particularly connected to acting, singing, or dancing.

Some categories include:

• Besides acting, singing, and dancing, there’s directing, assistant directing and attending or even teaching theater classes or workshops and helping with the Children’s Theatre.

• Do you have interests in grant writing, fundraising, publicity?

• Do you prefer to help with play productions, as in house manager, backstage manager, ushers at the performances, or ticket sales? How about props, costumes, and makeup?

• We can even use helpers with sound, lighting, photography, or videography.

• Are you artistically inclined and like to dabble in graphic arts?

• How about handyman skills? We can always use help with set design, set construction, load-in, and strike, which basically means setting up the stage and removing the set after the final show.

Do you have an interest or skill not shown above? Don’t be shy. Tell us about it, and we can probably find something for you to help with. We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that could use all levels of help in order to avoid paying costly fees for outside help.

If you are interested in learning a skill mentioned above, we have a member who could train you.

We have two general membership events every year. Since many members are here just for the winter, we have an end-of-season get-together in April and then a December holiday event. We also have six or seven monthly general membership meetings, which have a social time before a brief meeting to discuss current events in SLCT and receive approval of prior monthly meeting minutes. There are no meetings in the summer, May through September.

Please contact me and let me know if you would be interested in joining this dynamic group. I can answer any questions you have and tell you how to access the member application on our website. You can reach me at the email shown below or call or text me at 760-207-7469. I’ve had that cell number for 40 years, and about 30 years ago, I discovered that the last four digits spell S-H-O-W. Funny story how I discovered that, but I’ll save that story for another time.