
Unity: begin again

  Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a community of souls who are seeking a deeper and more spiritual way of life through meditation, prayer, healthful lifestyle, positive affirmations and activities that promote education, friendship, fun and service. We follow the teachings of Jesus and other Masters of wisdom and love. Join us at our…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation news

  Doris Codkind, Publicity As we move into the New Year 2019, we continue to reach out to the many new arrivals in the East Valley. The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation (SLJC) is an established reform congregation that meets on the second Friday of the month at the Sun Lakes Chapel, Riggs Road and Sun…

Fighting mad

  Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. First – animals get mad, people get angry. In this instance, however, perhaps the right terminology is MAD. Things are happening in this country that sometimes appear to be so convoluted that we lose sight of the original intent. We have heard the slogan, “politically correct.” To me, that is…

Shalom Hadassah highlights

  Doris Codkind, Pubicity If you haven’t attended the last few Hadassah events, you have missed being a part of this very vibrant organization. * Our kick-off event in October was a smash hit Pot Luck Patio Party! * November’s Fashion Show at the Tea Room was absolutely charming, and * The traditional Hanukkah celebration…


  Jean Newell, Associate Pastor at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church “Tomorrow. I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Isn’t that what Scarlett liked to say? Scarlett O’Hara of Gone with the Wind fame? Time and time again in the midst of life’s struggles, Scarlett’s response was to look to “tomorrow.” With the New Year 2019 upon us,…

Sun Lakes Lutheran Church

Marty Patton Advent is the beginning for the church year, and in anticipation of the celebration of the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, Pastors Dale Hallberg and Jane Mitchell’s messages will be The Personalities of Advent leading up to our Christmas Eve service on the 24th, 6:00 p.m. in the Sun…

Refusing to succeed at things that don’t matter

  Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Sun Lakes During the Christmas season, I began reading a biography of missionary William Carey. What a remarkable life! In 1792, this former shoemaker-turned-pastor preached to a group of ministers a missionary sermon that would become famous. In it he declared, “Expect great things from God;…

Peace on earth, good will towards men

  Pastor Jerry McGhee, Sun Lakes Community Church There is a Chinese Christian man by the name of Yun who endured unspeakable torture by government agents simply because he is a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. As I read the book entitled The Heavenly Man by Paul Hathaway, chronicling Mr. Yun’s conversion and life as a…

GriefShare begins January 9

  Jean Newell, Associate Pastor New Year’s resolutions. Out with the old and in with the new, regular exercise, eat less, save more! The plan is to take better care of yourself. However, if you’re grieving the death of a loved one, it may be that you’ve lost interest in taking care of yourself. If…