Jim Utter On Nov. 12, the Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club honored its member Janet Daling, Ph.D, with a commemorative plaque for extraordinary lifetime bridge achievement. American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) members accumulate Masters Points by achieving success in competition at sanctioned clubs and tournaments held at local, regional, and national levels. During 2019, Dr.…
Category: January 2020
Sports, January 2020

December was a busy month. We installed our new officers for 2020: President Debbie Horner, Vice President Mary Dyrseth, Secretary Julie Hastings, and Treasurer Colleen Ritter. We thank you all for serving in these important positions. We want to congratulate Susan Pederson for being the most-improved golfer for 2019. That is a very special award.…
Generals, January 2020
Matthew’s Crossing Provides Hunger Relief for College Students
Ellen Engel Contributions to Matthew’s Crossing make it possible for approximately 150 college students to have access to hunger relief. Hunger on college and university campuses is alarming. Matthews’ Crossing supports food closets at two community colleges and two universities. Donating to Matthew’s Crossing allows you an Arizona tax credit gift of up to $800…
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Metal Detecting: A Fun Way to Exercise
Virginia Koehler Need to get in some extra activity this year? Metal detecting is a good way to burn extra calories. Bending over and retrieving all those pull tabs and bottle caps off the ground is good for the waistline. You may even find a coin or two, or perhaps even something more valuable, like…
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Monday and Wednesday Social Dance Classes
Edie Gilbertsen Edie Gilbertsen will be teaching Social Dance classes Monday and Wednesday in the Mirror Room across from the Patrol Office in Oakwood. Groups of six couples max per class pay $40/couple or $20/single for four weeks of class of rumba on Mondays, Jan. 6 to 27, from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. LearnfFoxtrot Jan.…
Generals, January 2020
Fun Lakers Club Dinner/Dance Party Schedule

Mark O’Neill, PR Please note the new location of the Sun Lakes Dinner/Dance Party — Oakwood Ballroom, always on a Thursday. The remaining schedule for 2019-2020 is as follows: Jan. 9, Feb. 13, March 19, and April 16. The Holiday Dinner/Dance is a separate event and is not included in the season package. Doors open…
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Roadrunners to Meet January 14
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Work Out with Lesly’s Cardio Blast!

Lesly Holness Happy New Year, everyone! Let’s take the “work” out of workout and have some fun while we burn off those holiday calories. Hey, it’s a whole new year—let’s start off right! My Cardio Blast Class is a total body workout combining all elements of fitness: cardio, strength, balance, flexibility, and a little bit…
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Sisk Park Bocce Club Play Begins January 26
Gary Vacin Hey, Sun Lakes bocce ball players, if you missed out on the Sisk Park Bocce Club’s fall tournament, don’t fret. There’s still time to sign up for the spring tournament. Just attend the club’s Potluck and Awards Party beginning at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 19, at the Sisk Park pavilion. Another option…
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
Line Dancing with Janet Wallace

Linda Heavin Come and learn from “The Best,” says K. Janet Wallace has been teaching line dancing in Sun Lakes and the Valley for years. She has style and rhythm and teaches steps and dances that you can use. “Janet’s expertise at being a line dance teacher exceeds others with her overall precision of each…