Clubs & Classes

Line Dance Workshop planned

This workshop will answer the requests for learning and doing “the dances I see them doing at the dances.” This will be the third or fourth year, two or three times each year, that I have held this workshop for people to learn Elvira, Electric Slide and Cupid Shuffle line dances. Each time there have been a…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

The 2015 Sun Lakes Lady Niners officers

The 2015 officers of the Sun Lakes Lady Niners were installed at our January meeting. They are President Carole Kinderman, First Vice President Donna Sullivan, Second Vice President Jackie Aagaard, Secretary Rosalie Bowen and Treasurer Donna Quinn. February activities include a Valentine Happy Hour at Mulligans after the noon late play on February 10. On…

State Farm wins fall softball title

The State Farm Insurance Championship Team – standing (left to right) Steve Kay, Jack Strauss, Larry Wolfe, Hal Kime, Rich Nadler and Ed Sowney; kneeling (left to right) Gary Alexander, Dave Martin, Stan Weis and Mgr. Larry Kaufmann; missing: Al Grefsheim and Tim Loeffler (Photo by Core Photography, LLC).

Larry Wolfe The State Farm Insurance team, managed by Larry Kaufmann and sponsored by the Ralph Vasquez Agency, won the fall league title with a record of 12 wins and six losses. The A-1 Golf Carts squad, managed by Gary Hillabolt, finished second, two games behind the league leaders. The top 10 hitters for the…

Sun Lakes Garden Club – February 2015

Pauline Lee, Publicity The monthly meeting of the Sun Lakes Garden Club on Tuesday, January 20 featured photographer Frederick Giese, who gave pointers on successfully photographing flowers and plants in your garden. The next monthly meeting is at 9:30 a.m. on February 17 at the Chapel Center. The speaker will be a master gardener from…