Frank Mundo A new Sun Lakes Parkinson’s Support Group will be starting at the Clarendale, 5900 S. Gilbert Road, on Saturday, Feb. 15, at 10:30 a.m. The facilitator of the group from PMD Alliance will be Frank Mundo. People with Parkinson’s and CarePartners are welcome. Call 207-356-2833 with questions or for further details.
Category: Generals
Generals, February 2020
Stuyvesant High School

Allan Levy If any Stuyvesant High School alumni, teachers, or others would be interested in getting together, please contact me at [email protected]. Stuyvesant is consistently ranked as one of the top U.S. high schools. Currently, Stuyvesant and other elite schools are under fire. Bronx High School of Science folks are also invited.
Generals, February 2020
Palo Verde Road Management Update
Philip J. Montgomery, President All Palo Verde Sun Lakes homeowners are automatically a member of Palo Verde Road Management Inc. and have a vested interest in how our private streets are operated and maintained. Palo Verde Road Management “Association” is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation under and by the laws of the State of Arizona and…
Generals, February 2020
Matthew’s Crossing Provides Backpacks for Children
Ellen Engel In Arizona, one in four children, one in five adults, and one in seven seniors do not have enough to eat. Matthew’s Crossing has many different programs to help these people. Many of these people are homeless. One program provides 1,500 backpacks every Friday of the school year containing enough food for two days,…
Generals, February 2020
Crystal Card Volunteers Have Big Hearts

Bobbie Reed When they got an appeal from staff at My Sister’s Place for Christmas gifts for the 30 children living at the shelter, volunteers at the Sun Lakes-based Crystal Card Project acted. These generous individuals donated over 120 gifts and gift cards to help make Christmas a little merrier. My Sister’s Place is a…
Generals, February 2020
Kenny Hess Concert February 15
Linda Caton Famous singer/songwriter Kenny Hess will be performing in the San Tan Ballroom on Saturday, Feb. 15, starting at 7 p.m. This will be the first time Kenny will be bringing his award-winning band with him to Sun Lakes for a really powerful concert night! Kenny Hess has enjoyed many charting singles and has…
Generals, February 2020
Sun Lakes Fire Corp. Speaks at United Methodist Church

Brian Curry Arizona Fire & Medical Authority Fire Corps members Brian Curry and Dan Johnson spoke to the Faith Circle women’s group of the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church. A wide range of subjects included the CAP (Community Assistance Program) and various other AFMA programs such as lock boxes, medical information cards, the Home Safety…
Generals, February 2020
Decade Ending Pool Dip
Generals, February 2020
Save the Date for Polish Dinner Dance February 16
Rose Pachura There will be a Polish Dinner Dance on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020, at Cottonwood Country Club in the San Tan Ballroom starting at 4 p.m. with a cash bar, 5 p.m. dinner, and 6 p.m. dancing to the music of Two’s Company by Suzie & Tom Novak. Buy your tickets for $28 per…
Generals, February 2020
Personalized Painting Instruction
Margaret Crusoe Have you ever wanted to learn to paint with acrylic paints? This could be your opportunity to try them out. I have over 20 years of teaching experience, with a bachelor’s degree in Art Education. My paintings have sold in open air art markets and other venues. The cost is $120 (non-refundable) for…