“Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind.” Roman’s 12:2 Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought spiritual community dedicated to living the truths taught by Jesus Christ, as well as other spiritual masters. We see the good (God) in our fellow humans and celebrate our Oneness with all people of the…
Category: February 2022
Religion, February 2022
Annual Card Party Postponed
Esther Spear Due to concerns about the pandemic, the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood has decided to postpone the annual Card Party from Feb. 7 to Monday, April 11. It will be held at the Cottonwood Country Club at 10 a.m. If you have already submitted your check for the entry fee and luncheon and…
Religion, February 2022
Our Beginnings
Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. We just completed a multitude of celebrations—from Thanksgiving, to Hanukkah, to New Year. And now, as we settle into a somewhat normal routine, we enter the month of February. As an aside—how many know how the names of the months originated? Well, here goes: January: named after the Roman god of…
Religion, February 2022
How Are Your Resolutions Going?
Pastor Mitch McDonald, Sun Lakes Community Church Did you make New Year’s resolutions this year? How are you doing them? It seems that resolutions, or to be more specific, New Year’s resolutions, have always been a part of life. There is something fresh and redeeming about the thought of starting over. In the 21st century,…
Religion, February 2022
Love Always Wins
Pastor Marvin Arnpriester Ran across a statement by Mahatma Gandhi which seemed appropriate to remember and think about in all the tragic events, tensions, wars of the present, and questions regarding the future. “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have always been tyrants,…
Clubs & Classes, February 2022
Looking Forward to a Healthy New Year
Harry Huckemeyer The Short Line Model Railroad Club welcomes all who have followed our activities and events over the years, and we are looking forward to a busy agenda that will be leading us all to an exciting and challenging time during this new year. For starters, not too far from the Sun Lakes area…
Clubs & Classes, February 2022
Agave Quilters Announce Challenge Winners

Debi Loofburrow The Agavé Quilters Guild met on Wednesday, Jan. 5, at 1 p.m. in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club. After a brief business update, members shared their recent projects, and winners of the President’s Challenge were announced. Thanks to all who entered the contest and special congratulations to our winners! Swan…
Clubs & Classes, February 2022
Start the New Year on the Dance Floor

Mary Lou Kaye Hello and Happy New Year! Are you looking to start the new year on the dance floor? Welcome to Basic Social Dance! In our classes at Basic Social Dance, memorization is minimized. We focus primarily on the music being played and our connection with our partner. It’s dancing reduced to its simplest…
Clubs & Classes, February 2022
Twinkle Toes and Neuropathy
Kathleen Ismael, Reflexology Practitioner, IronOaks The body’s nervous system is made up of two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) occurs when nerves are damaged or destroyed and can’t send messages from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, skin, and other parts of the body. Peripheral…
Sports, February 2022
IMGA Golfer of the Month for February 2022: Jim Martin

Jim was born in Sturgeon Bay, Wisc. His father was the superintendent of a shipyard that built LSTs, tankers, and other small ships during World War II. His mother stayed at home, busy raising nine children. As the family grew up, she became a successful Avon lady. Jim’s family lived just across the street from…