The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation’s Men’s Club had a luncheon on January 26, 2017, at the VB Lounge in Downtown Chandler.
Susan Reynhout, Publicity Chairman Join us on Thursday, March 9, at 9:00 a.m. in the Kingston Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club in Sun Lakes for this very special event and brunch. We are having a donation drive for Streetlight USA. This residential center provides a one-of-a-kind program of care and healing for girls 11…
Dianne Winenger Steve Cullen is one of many who enjoy the camaderie of the Sun Lakes Wood Carvers. He just finished carving and painting a carousel horse for competition this month. We congratulate Steve for receiving the first place award at the Desert Woodcarving Show for this entry. Whether you’re fond of Kachinas, animals, birds…
Sue Schwartz Bethany Garrity of the National Institute of Fitness Sports (NIFS) shared her expertise and passion in helping active living communities create places that improve lives. She helped us understand how exercise principles of functional fitness combined with functional facility design help CWPV homeowners achieve energizing, complete and balanced solutions in wellness. NIFS’ pitch…
Sandra Whittenberg Sun Lakes VFW Auxiliary, Post 8053, thanks the following area businesses for once again helping us make our recent Buddy Poppy Day a success: Ace Hardware, Sun Lakes; Wal-Mart, Arizona Avenue, Chandler; Fry’s Food Stores, Chandler and Sun Lakes; Sun Lakes Country Club Pro Shop. VFW Buddy Poppies are assembled by disabled, needy…
Rob Spade Emmett Babler and Carmela Hopkins arrived at the ballroom for our January Black and White Ball ready to party! They maintained that happy smile all night. Emmett and Carmela are long time members of the club. They are definitely not afraid to get in the “swing” of the theme. The Cotillion Dance Club…
Michael W. Cohen The friends of Israel, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation, presents “Is Israel a Jewish State or a State of Jews?” by Rabbi Michael Beyo. The Jewish fabric of Israel is a patchwork of numerous factions from many cultures and all corners of the earth. Meeting the needs of all these groups and their…
The Oakwood Artists’ League (OAL), formed in 2003, welcomes all skill levels that embrace mediums ranging from oil to acrylic, water color, pen, pencil, paper collages and dyes. Since we are not instructor-led, some prior experience is required. While OAL artists have received much acclaim, do not let this discourage you. Most of us seek…
Gary Vacin “This is one of the most desolate places on earth.” That’s how Sun Lakes resident Karl Kern described Nikumaroro, the island Amelia Earhart possibly landed on during a presentation to a record crowd at a Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering January 16. Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan disappeared over the Pacific on…