John Harrill Not only will Gillian Harrill graduate in May from Chandler High School in the top five percent of her class with a 4.5 GPA, she is also a fencing phenom. She is a national Division 1A women’s saber-fencing champion. In addition, she has won or placed in the top eight in international tournament…
Category: May 2018
May 2018
Sun Lakes Dance Party at Cottonwood San Tan Ballroom
Mark O’Neill, Public Relations March 22 was the last dance of this season and the final dance for the Sun Lakes Dance Party. The Fun Lakers Club will become the sponsor for all the future dances. The door prize winners from this dance were Gene Boyd, Jan Tougas and Eva Vogelsang. Dance schedule for 2018-2019:…
May 2018
Come join the Chess Club
Arthur Fink The Sun Lakes Chess Club invites you to join us, whether you are a beginner or a grand master chess player. We meet every Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in The Ceramic Room (A-8) Cottonwood. Come early or come late; you are always welcome. There are no dues or membership fees.…
Generals, May 2018
Thank you luncheon held for SL Posse Associates

Phyllis Swanson, Office Manager, Sun Lakes Posse Medical Equipment A luncheon was held on March 10 to say a special “Thank You” to three Associates who have 20+ years of service to the Sun Lakes Posse Associates. In attendance were Associates members and also many of the Posse members. Since the Associates work different…
May 2018
SLCEP announce memory cafe opening May 7
Wanye Mangold, Sun Lakes Creative Engagement Partners The memory café opens at the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church on the first and third Monday of each month starting May 7 from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. The café is a comfortable, safe and engaging place for families living with memory loss to meet others in a…
May 2018
Household donations needed
Ellie Clark The Sun Lakes Women’s Association needs your household donations. Our Association serves all of the Sun Lakes communities. Among others, we have made substantial donations to Sun Lakes Fire Department, Cottonwood Palo Verde HOA, IronOaks Homeowners Association, Sun Lakes Country Club and Neighbors Who Care. Some of the items we can use are…
May 2018
Pet owners beware
This is the first of a three-part series on Coyotes, Hawks, Owls and Snakes. Arizona coyotes are highly adaptable predators and as we keep building in their territory, they move into our residential areas. One major area they love is golf courses. They have lots of room to roam, and it provides everything they need,…
May 2018
GriefShare class begins May 2 at SLUMC
Is it time to eat, but you’re not hungry? Then again, if you feel like eating, do you find yourself eating in front of the TV rather than eating at the dining room table? Could it be the empty chair at the dining table is a painful reminder of a loved one who passed away?…
May 2018
The Sun Lakes Posse needs your help
We are in danger of losing the recycling service the Sun Lakes Posse provides for area residents 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is a tremendous service for area residents, and it keeps a great deal of material out of the landfill. People continue to put an unbelievable number and amount of…
May 2018
It’s a family disease
Pam Yocom Mom and Dad moved to Sun Lakes, AZ, 10 years ago. Dad loved to play golf, and mom enjoyed several hobbies. They developed many new friendships. I travel a lot for my company, so I get to see Mom and Dad every few months. What happened next changed our life. Dad was diagnosed…