Mary Vitolo At St. Steven’s Ladies Guild’s annual Luncheon/Fashion Charity Fundraiser event, Beautiful Things Happened at the Oakwood Country Club on March 14, 2018! St. Steven’s Ladies Guild would like to express gratitude for the many people who helped make our show a success in making Beautiful Things Happen for our charities: Nativity set and…
Category: May 2018
Clubs & Classes, May 2018
Are you out of your gourd?

Doug Williams Well, we certainly hope not because this month’s Splash article features the exciting world of Gourd Art! Last month, we hinted, “How’s Your Gourd?” as a reminder that gourds were a part of our Creative Crafts department at the Sun Lakes Rock Gem & Silver Club. We actually have three very popular classes…
May 2018
Computer Booters blossom
Kc Coller, Publicity Director It’s happened again – that special general meeting because of the guest speaker! At the April general meeting, we were able to listen and learn from David McIntyre, owner of PCHelpForce Computer Repair in Chandler, AZ, about our computers. Telephone: 602-748-4429. Listening to these speakers, we learn about their knowledge and…
May 2018
Unity explores at the OdySea
Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes plans a social outing we call Unity Explores every month. We have fun going to special places and enjoying a time outside of our church service to bond and deepen our friendships with each other. On one of our Explores day, we went to the OdySea Aquarium in…
Clubs & Classes, May 2018
Field trips for Lifelong Learning

Catherine Hammond On February 22, 2018, New Adventures in Learning, a lifelong-learning program, took a field trip to tour Intel’s dSpace. This outing was one of four offered for the spring semester. According to Mary and Rick Kenny, the organizers, “Staff from Intel’s Chandler Boulevard facility provided a tour of dSpace, which is Intel’s…
May 2018
Edgar Cayce Study Group
Our Search for God study group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We explore the readings of Edgar Cayce who is recognized as the greatest psychic of the 20th century and the founder of holistic healing. We strive to be healthier, peaceful and to be one with the…
May 2018
Mosaic class in Oakwood
Janet Hayes and Sandy Holmes The class will be taught by David Jarvinen. David is a mosaic artist and teacher. He teaches mosaic art in fun and engaging environments, focusing on technique and project-based classes geared to all levels of crafters. A workshop, Mosaic Plant Sculpture with Glass Tiles, will be held Wednesday, May 9,…
May 2018
Outstanding lineup of Rotary speakers this month
Norm Noble On Tuesday, May 1, Ben Braker will talk about life as a U.S. Border Patrol Agent – something he has done for over 12 years. For the first seven years as an agent, he spent his days on horseback on the Horse Patrol Unit. He patrolled the most remote and rugged portions of…
May 2018
Fun Lakers Club news
Carole Sinicki In April, the Fun Lakers Club nominated new board and committee chairs for the upcoming season. All members were eligible to participate and vote for the new board on April 25, at the monthly FLC meeting. Due to the deadline for this publication, we will share the results in next month’s newsletter. At…
May 2018
Writers’ Page
My Friend Diane Keneally I spoke to my friend last night. A long, satisfying conversation, uninterrupted by family duties or needs interfering with alone time. This friend lives far away, 2500 miles to be exact and we don’t get the time or opportunity to talk often. We both have our own lives, busy and full.…