Clubs & Classes

Other Card Results

Tuesday Cribbage 4/05. 1st Onalie Flicker 12-20, 2nd Madelyn Toews 11-63, 3rd Jack Toews 11-54; Low: Lydia Kolsch 2- -138 4/12. 1st Lydia Kolsch 12-84, 2nd Michael Roberts 9-72; Low: Carol Douglas 2- -60; 23 Hand: Michael Roberts 4/19. 1st Pat Donahue 12-21, 2nd Bill Bade 9-8; Low: Michael Roberts 2- -48 4/26. 1st Barb…

Bridge Results

Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Alan Behr The Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club games are now held at Risen Savior Lutheran Church, 23914 S Alma School Road. Open games are held on Monday at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., Thursday at 1:30 p.m. and Saturday at 9:00 a.m. There also is a Novice game Thursday…

Agave Quilt Guild on summer break

Nancy Kirk, Agave art group member, shows off her beautiful wool applique quilt.

Johnie Scofield The Sun Lakes-based Agave Quilt Guild has suspended formal guild meetings until September 7. Look for time and place to be announced in the September Splash. Even though there are no guild meetings during the summer months of June, July and August, the Oakwood Sewing Room remains open for both friendship and interest…

AAUW Southwest Valley Branch installs new officers

The Southeast Valley Branch of the American Association of University Women (SEV AAUW) held its installation of new officers on April 18. For the 2016-17 year, officers include Co-Presidents Marjorie Wright and Toni Corrigan; President Elect Tillie Fortner; Co-Vice President Programs Janet Odle and Sharon Johnson; Co-Vice Presidents Membership Mary Ann Habib and Donna Haugland;…

Outstanding array of speakers for Rotary

Meagan Johnson will be the featured speaker on June 7!

Norm Noble On Tuesday, June 7, Meagan Johnson, partner with the Johnson Training Group, will be the featured speaker. She will be speaking about generational differences. She’s a bright, funny, delightfully obnoxious generational humorist! What exactly is a generational expert? It’s somebody who understands the differences between Baby Boomers (born 1945-1964), Generation Xers (born 1965-1980),…

Come join the Chess Club

Arthur Fink The Sun Lakes Chess Club invites you to join us, whether you are a beginner or a grandmaster chess player. We meet every Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to  3:00 p.m. in the Oakwood Clubhouse Greenbriar C Room. Come early or come late; you are always welcome. There are no dues or membership fees.…

DAR installs new officers

Pictured (left to right) Nancy Andrews, Betty Wells, Bonnie Clark, Suellen Eyre, Marjorie Nelson, Lesley Baran, Pamela Petersen, Carole Jones, Mary Knape and Judy Putnam.

Toni Bolling Lutter Gila Butte DAR installed 2016-18 officers at Spring Fling in April 2016. Spring Fling is the annual celebration of the year’s accomplishments, as well as a gathering to welcome new members in a social setting. The new Gila Butte Board of Management is Lesley Baran, regent; Marjorie Nelson, vice regent; Pamela Petersen,…

Edgar Cayce Study Group

Our “Search for God” study group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We explore the readings of Edgar Cayce who is recognized as the greatest psychic of the 20th century and the founder of holistic healing. We strive to be healthier, peaceful and to be one with the…