David Zapatka This month’s word of the month is wombat; noun wom·bat ˈwäm-ˌbat any of several stocky burrowing Australian marsupials (genera Vombatus and Lasiorhinus of the family Vombatidae) resembling small bears. Origin of wombat – Dharuk (Australian aboriginal language of the Port Jackson area) wombad. Wombats are short-legged, muscular quadrupedal marsupials that are native to Australia. They are about 40 inches in length with…
Category: July 2016
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Advanced Spanish continues weekly throughout summer
Dianne Zimmerman The advanced Spanish conversation group continues to meet every Wednesday throughout the summer and we encourage new participants. If you have studied Spanish in the past, lived in a Spanish-speaking country, spoken Spanish at home while growing up, or have graduated from an intermediate Spanish class, this is the group for you. We…
Generals, July 2016
You are invited
Tony Horn Tony Horn is a Sun Lakes resident and author of two self-published books, An End to Terrorism and The Three R’s. He’s the founder of a non-profit company dedicated to building strong communities globally. His premise is that the natural design of humans consists of living eyeball to eyeball, face to face in communities…
Generals, July 2016
Sun Lakes – Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes
Board of Directors meeting minutes (unapproved) 5/25/16 Directors present: Roger Beagle; Bill Greer; Bud Jenssen, Anne Montgomery, Woody Neiman, Dick Norris and Mel Rasmussen Also present: General Manager Steve Nolan President Dick Norris called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. He stated that the meeting is being recorded for accuracy of the minutes. Secretary…
Generals, July 2016
Lions Club makes donation to CAP

Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club President Jim Brotherton (right) presents a check to Pat Weitzel representing the Community Assistance Program (CAP) volunteers of the SLFD. CAP responds with SLFD to fires, car accidents and ambulance calls and assists family and friends of the patients in a large variety of ways (photo and caption by Brian…
Sports, July 2016
OLGA weekly results
Ruth Rees, Publicity Many of our members have departed to home, whether that be in ND, SD, MN, ID, WA or wherever cool weather prevails. Others have escaped the desert heat to Pinetop, Prescott and other spots in the AZ high country. Meanwhile, our remaining OLGA ladies were lucky to have fine weather during May…
Sports, July 2016
It’s not all about golf for the Cottonwood Lady Niners

Diana De Pree A wonderful fun golf season for organized play has come to a close for the Cottonwood Lady Niners. The ladies have established and nourished new, as well as old friendships and are always ready to embrace more into their club. Some of the Niners have chosen to challenge the summer months with…
Generals, July 2016
Christmas in July Food Drive
United Food Bank is inviting the East Valley Chambers of Commerce to participate in the tenth annual Christmas in July Food Drive Challenge. Take part in a friendly competition, while helping to stock the shelves of your East Valley food bank for the summer! While this is a competition between Chambers of Commerce, you do…
Generals, July 2016
Craft or business vendors wanted

The Arizona Ataxia Support Group is hosting the Arizona Ataxia Awareness Extravaganza, family friendly vendor fair. Our event will be held on Saturday, September 24 at St. Xavier University, 92 W. Vaughn, Gilbert, AZ 85233. Ataxia is a rare degenerative neurological disorder. Currently, there is no cure or effective treatment. Symptoms include severe problems with…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Sons of American Revolution recognizes patriot in community
R.W. Sjolin At a chapter meeting on May 14 of the AZ S.A.R., Sons of the American Revolution, a national flag certificate was presented to Mrs. Kelly Haynes, General Manager of Sun Lakes Country Club. This certificate is given to organizations and individuals who as patriots fly the U.S. flag every day and at night.…