August 2023

Senior Citizens Openings

Sharon Gale For the first time in my life I go to the grocery store without coupons and with a list of things I buy that aren’t brand names. My priorities have changed as to what I buy as I have gotten older. What I look for now is a product that is easy to open. Cooking…

Unity: Everyday Courage

Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a New Thought Community. We celebrate Peace, Love, Light, Joy, and Healing. We practice affirmative prayer and positive thinking, and we support one another in living a Spirit-centered life. Rev. Jeanne MacLaughlin gives us our message. Church will be closed July and August and will resume Sept.…

Women’s Association Makes Donation to NWC

Vickie Brush, president of Sun Lakes Women’s Association, visited the Neighbors Who Care office this spring to share some great news. After Executive Director Sheryl Keeme visited a meeting of the active Sun Lakes group, the two women formed a partnership among the two nonprofits to better serve the community. Ms. Brush explained that the…

Ideal for August Gardening

Dannette Hunnel Growing jelly bean plants, aka pork and beans plants, is easy as long as you give them what they need, which is full to partial sun and temperatures above 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Neither is a problem here in Arizona! This plant is native to Mexico. Since Arizona was once part of Mexico, it…

Cheers Singles Group

Cheers is a social club open to members from Sun Lakes, Springfield, SunBird, and Solera communities. Our current 203 members invite you to become a part of the Cheers family, whether you are a year-round or a seasonal resident. The club offers many activities and programs, including social time, wine tasting, dining out, book club,…

Swinging with the Arizona Classic Jazz Festival 2023

Helen Daley There is always a theme to the educational sets presented at the Arizona Classic Jazz Festival. The bands that choose to participate follow the theme for one set each by introducing their topic with music and lecture. For instance, the theme for 2021 was “Best of…” and 2022 was “IMAGINE the 1920s Roaring…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation

The August service at the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation (SLJC) will be a twilight service and is held on Friday, Aug. 11, at 5:30 p.m. This is an informal summer service that is held each July and August. Full services are conducted each month, except for July and August, on the second Friday of the…