Category: September 2020

The Remodeling Corner

Janet Cook How does one prepare for the start of a remodeling project? Take advantage of the anticipation of the beautiful transformation by taking the time to declutter and pack items on display. Even with heavy-duty plastic barriers to close off the construction zones, dust will still be afloat and drift throughout the house, especially…

Can You Hear the Stillness?

Karen in Church (Image from the Sun Lakes Camera Club archives)

Ann Posiviata It takes a lot of patience to sit in stillness. And then we welcomed the 2020 year, and we are now hip deep in stillness. As photographers, we have a head start in knowing how to be patient. Patient waiting for the perfect storm to chase, patient for the exact moment an egret…

We’ve Been Here Before

Dr. Marc Drake

Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes Do you recall the widespread anarchy and mayhem of the late 1960s, especially 1968? It was an election year, the country was rife with violence and racial and political turmoil, and many marches and demonstrations were taking place to protest the unpopular Vietnam War. Furthermore,…

Meet “The Faceting Fanatic”

Tony's recent faceted pieces showing raw material to faceted stone

Linda Shanahan Think you can facet? Of course, you can. Be you a woman or be you a man Tony can teach you, yes, he is the king The “facet fanatic” it has a nice ring Five seven facets go on the gemstone He’ll help you out. You won’t be alone Cut and then polish…

The Hot Spot

AFMA/Sun Lakes firefighters familiarize themselves with the new rehabilitation and rehydration unit in front of Station 231 on Sun Lakes Boulevard. (Photo by Brian Curry)

AFMA Rehabilitation Unit Responded to Tempe Derailment and Fire Brian Curry The Arizona Fire & Medical Authority’s special rehabilitation and rehydration unit was called to the scene of the recent Tempe derailment, fire, and bridge collapse. This unit is used at the scene of major fires and incidents. Firefighters anywhere are faced with high temperatures…

Yoga: Vinyasa Style

Sheila Axtman Hopefully, by the time you are reading this article, the Cottonwood Palo Verde Fitness Center will be open. Guidelines for the number of people and distancing will be in place. We will be in the large room. We will be able to have 21 people, and I don’t think we will go over…

Yoga Every Day

London Brewster, Fitness Director Did you know that there are different styles of yoga classes offered Monday through Saturday at the Fitness Activity Center? No matter if you haven’t done yoga before or you have years of experience, our yoga experts are here to guide you through it all! Our yoga masterminds Sheila and John…

GriefShare Begins at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church

Pastor David Holling Grief is a normal response to any loss and affects the grieving person(s) physically, emotionally, and spiritually, often causing the person to think and act in ways different from their previous normal behavior. You may have heard something to the effect of “just give it some time and you will feel better.”…

Cottonwood Yoga by John Blair

London Brewster, Fitness Director When the Fitness Center reopens, be ready for some exciting changes! John is teaching Introduction to Yoga on Saturdays and Mondays at 9 a.m. He is keeping those two slots, because they were so well attended before the shutdown. He is adding Sports Yoga on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. This class is for…