There is a natural sense of loss when the need for one’s caregiving is over. Part of life after caregiving is to find a new normal. Beginning on Sept. 17, Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, located at 9248 E. Riggs Road, is offering a three-week program for grief support and education, “Returning to Life After…
Category: September 2024
September 2024, Clubs & Classes
Card Scores
Tuesday Night Cribbage Jeff Scott Join us for Cribbage every Tuesday night at 6 p.m. in the Cottonwood clubhouse A-7 Painting Room. Games are organized by Stan Wengrzyn. 7/02. 1st Jeff Scott 10+54, 2nd Patty Donahue 9+37, 3rd Royce Bohning 9+26, Low Bob Mariano 3-73, 24 Hand Bill Bade and Rudy Gerstner 7/09. 1st Kathy…
September 2024
The ImproVables Return to SLCC on September 28

As everyone knows, laughter is beneficial to a person’s health. So, if you want to feel good, come to Laughter Is the Best Medicine, The ImproVables’ newest show! Sun Lakes Community Theatre’s famous improv comedy troupe, The ImproVables, is returning to Sun Lakes Country Club on Saturday, Sept. 28, with a brand-new, hilarious, and extremely…
Religion, September 2024
Devorah Hadassah Events for September
Come join the fun and meet new friends! For information on Hadassah and attending our events, please contact Eliana Bar-Shalom at 860-377-7126 or email her at [email protected]. The second Wednesday of each month is our book group, called Literary Ladies, on Zoom at 1:30 p.m. The next books we will be discussing on Zoom are…
September 2024, Religion
SLUMC Welcomes Back Sweet Life Café
Sun Lakes United Methodist Church (SLUMC) is thrilled to announce the return of Sweet Life Café, starting on Thursday, Sept. 5. After a summer hiatus, Sweet Life Café will resume weekly gatherings from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Room 4 of the Education building. Sweet Life Café offers a wonderful opportunity for individuals to explore…
September 2024, Religion
Israel: The Nation and Its People
Michael Cohen Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation and the East Valley Jewish Community Center present this series to clarify common media myths about historical and current issues relative to Israel. The international media often portrays Israel as an intruding, colonizing power within its borders; an apartheid state; an occupying force wherever Palestinian Arabs reside; a suppressor…
September 2024, Religion
Unity’s Sacred Seven
Mark Wenz According to Inuit tradition, these are the Seven Sacred Teachings, also known as the Seven Grandfather Teachings: • Wisdom is the cherishing of knowledge; • Love is knowing peace; • Respect is honoring all of Creation; • Bravery is facing foes with integrity; • Honesty, which is also righteousness, means being honest first…
September 2024, Religion
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation, a Reformed Temple, is now accepting new members. For more information, please contact Susie at 480-580-1592.
September 2024, Religion
‘In God We Trust’
Pastor Mitch McDonald I am writing this article on July 30 and am reminded that 68 years ago, on July 30, 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a law officially making “In God We Trust” our national motto. The earliest recorded use of that motto in English was in January of 1748, as The Pennsylvania Gazette…
September 2024, Religion
SLUMC Hosts ‘How to Thrive in Your Second Half of Life’ Seminar
Sun Lakes United Methodist Church (SLUMC) is thrilled to announce an empowering seminar, “How to Thrive in Your Second Half of Life,” featuring the esteemed speaker Benjamin Surmi, social gerontologist. This event will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Lindsay Hall, located at 9248 E. Riggs Road, in…