Pastor Steve Foss Loose lips aren’t the only things that sink ships! Large ships faithfully served their duties for our country, carrying hundreds, if not thousands, of seamen within their berths and battle stations. A military ship is like a country unto itself, requiring responsible leadership, experienced planning, careful routing, thorough training, and capable discipline…
Category: September 2024
September 2024, Religion
Civility in Crisis
Rev. Dr. Derrick Elliott, Pastor, Sun Lakes United Church of Christ In a world where technology instantly connects us, we paradoxically find ourselves more divided and disconnected than ever. The rapid spread of information has brought a troubling decline in civility, a cornerstone of healthy societal interaction. Civility, once the bedrock of our public and…
September 2024, Religion
FBCSL Best Blessed Breakfast: Incredible Edibles Await—If You Survive the Safari!
Pam Wortman First Baptist Church Sun Lakes (FBCSL) men’s Best Blessed Breakfast (BBB) hunt begins on an ominous note this September. Never before has the safari taken on such dangerous territory, or so the rumors go. Treacherous rivers of gravy impede every move made by the team. The men must scramble up mountains and trek…
September 2024, Religion
Operation Christmas Child at First Baptist Church Sun Lakes

Pam Wortman It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, at First Baptist Church Sun Lakes (FBCSL), that is. Operation Christmas Child (OCC) ministry starts with the planning phase in January and February, but the official launch for OCC begins in March. As the months pass, the inventory of Christmas goodies comes rolling in, like…
September 2024, Sports
Tennis Tip from Coach Kwong
Part of why tennis is so great is the challenge it offers. We must practice being a coach and an official during court play while displaying good sportsmanship from beginning to end. No one likes losing or being frustrated by being outplayed by an opponent. Unfortunately, there are players of every age who don’t play…
September 2024, Sports
Registration Is Open!

The Bradshaw/Neu Tennis Tournament, sponsored by the Cottonwood Tennis Club, will be held on Sunday, Dec. 1, through Saturday, Dec. 7. Entry is open to all 55+ communities in the area, and all the Cottonwood courts will be used for the event. Make sure that you are a part of this event as a spectator,…
Sports, September 2024
How’s Your Racquet?

Barb Jorgensen Have you ever noticed the well-mannered poodle that is Ralph Howland’s constant companion on and around the tennis courts? Rolo, at 11 years old, is the official mascot of the Cottonwood Tennis Club, but we may not see him much this winter! His owner Ralph Howland is Cottonwood Tennis Club’s resident racquet re-stringer.…
Sports, September 2024
Niners July Golf Results
Jim Wegman, Publicity The July results are in the books, and we are halfway through the year. Some of us are wishing that the summer was over and that we were playing fall golf. Wow, so far, these last two months have been tough on our members. Gentlemen, another of our former members has passed…
September 2024, Sports
July SLLGA Results
Nadine Stark July 2 – Plant Your Flag 1st Nadine Stark, 2nd Mary Eberle, 3rd Kerri Jerome July 9 – Water Holes, Front 9 Flight 1: 1st Penny Nowicki, 2nd (tie) Judy Wegener, Deb McGrail Flight 2: 1st Wanda Chihak, 2nd (tie) Betty Reagan, Karen Simon, Uni Foster, Jan Fletcher, Mary Bish July 16 –…
September 2024, Sports
Card Group Cookie Donations

Susan Gottschalk Several members of the Thursday Lady Joker’s Wild Hand and Foot card group baked, packaged, and delivered cookies to the employees at three local fire stations and the Sheriff’s Posse. They were greeted with smiles of appreciation, which always encourages the card group volunteers to donate cookies yet another year.