Discover the enchanting world of creativity as IronOaks presents the members of the Ocotillo Artists Group in a captivating Artist Meet & Greet Sale on Oct. 22, from 1 to 5 p.m. Hosted at the main pool house, this event is your chance to dive into the realm of artistry and mingle with the members of…
Category: Generals
Generals, October 2023
Madhumitha Thumati Receives P.E.O. STAR Scholarship

At the end of her senior year at Hamilton High School in Chandler, Madhumitha Thumati was selected to receive a $2,500 STAR Scholarship from the P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) International Sisterhood to support her college education. She was recommended by P.E.O. Chapter DD, which was organized in Sun Lakes in 1987. Madhu has just started…
Generals, October 2023
Exciting Author Event November 8
Sun Lakes Friends of the Library has lined up six authors for their free event on Nov. 8. All authors are Arizona based whose writings are a mix of genres, styles, plot periods, and locations. Come and welcome our guests Donis Casey, Laurie Fagen, Sandra Givens, Margaret Morse, Karen Odden, and Betty Webb. The program…
Generals, October 2023
Crystal Awards—Committee Looking for Outstanding Volunteers

Jeanne Becker The Sun Lakes Country Club Crystal Awards Committee is already planning the next Crystal Awards Dinner to be held at Sun Lakes Country Club Phase 1 on March 10, 2024. This dinner is the way for all three Sun Lakes communities collectively to recognize outstanding Sun Lakes volunteers at one time and place.…
October 2023, Generals
Dementia Friendly Sun Lakes Action Team Meets for the First Time

In September of 2022, when Sun Lakes was officially designated as a Dementia Friendly Community, co-chairs Sheryl Keeme of Neighbors Who Care and Elaine Poker-Yount of East Valley Memory Café began looking for like-minded individuals to join the Dementia Friendly Sun Lakes (DFSL) Action Team. Over the last year, those individuals stepped up, and on…
Generals, October 2023
Back by Popular Demand: Jesse Washington

Vocalist Jesse Washington will present his Fifth Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Vocal Musicale Concert on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. The 2023 event will feature Jesse, along with his special guest Sam Rogers, “The Blues Man.” The Musicale will include gospel, contemporary gospel, classical, blues, R&B, showtunes, and patriotic songs for your entertainment pleasure. Jesse has…
Generals, October 2023
AAUW Brings Together Members and Friends to Support Women and Girls

Mary Kenny, AAUW Member/Volunteer The AAUW (American Association of University Women) Southeast Valley Branch will welcome back members and friends with an afternoon social on Oct. 16. Members are encouraged to invite their friends and neighbors who may be interested in joining the organization. The Southeast Valley Branch’s 2023-24 activities will continue to further its…
October 2023, Generals
Mulligans’ First Annual Charity Golf Tournament

On Aug. 23 Mulligans in Sun Lakes Country Club held its first Charity Golf Tournament. One hundred four golfers participated in the event. Mulligans raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets were sold to raise additional donations. Hamburgers were served afterwards, and fun was had by all. The event raised $4,895 for St. Luke’s Hospital. Shannon D’Ambra,…
Generals, October 2023
Medicare, Medicaid, and Related Benefit Information
Medicare Open Enrollment is just around the corner: Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. Start thinking about any changes to your coverage you might want to make. Personalized objective assistance to seniors, the disabled, and caregivers is provided by volunteer counselors who are trained by the Arizona Agency on Aging Benefits Assistance Program. Services include: Basic…
Generals, October 2023
Unit 11-edit
Unit 11 Penny, HOA Secretary The Unit 11 monthly HOA board meeting will be held on Oct. 18 at 4 p.m. in the Computer Learning Center, Meeting Room 1, at the Cottonwood clubhouse. All homeowners are welcome to attend.