Category: Clubs & Classes

Veterans Day Celebration

Sun Lakes celebrates Veteran’s Day!

Allan Levy, Publicity Director On Tuesday, November 11, Sun Lakes celebrated Veteran’s Day. The host was the Jewish War Veterans of Sun Lakes. Approximately 200 people attended. Jewish War Veterans Commander Ron Buckner opened the ceremonies by welcoming all the attendees. The speaker was Colonel Joe Abodeely, President of the Arizona Military Museum. He spoke…

Line Dancing with Judee – December 2014

As I put the dance list together for our December line dance for both classes, I realize how much the dancers have learned since our restart in October. Because I teach and emphasize learning steps and patterns the dancers are able to learn dances so much faster. This really helps since I’ve cut the class…

Sun Lakes Breakfast Lions Club

The 2014 Fall Spaghetti Dinner was the best one ever!

Fred Giese Once again, the Sun Lakes community has come forth to make the 2014 Fall Spaghetti Dinner the best Fall Dinner ever. Over 440 dinners were served to a delighted crowd. There was also a raffle and silent auction with over 90 items for bid or raffle, the most ever. Thank you to all…

Lions Club invites vets to join

Forrest Cheuvront Sun Lakes Lions Club is offering local U.S. veterans a special opportunity to serve their community. The Involve a U.S. Veteran program is a nationwide initiative sponsored by Lions Clubs International that offers qualified U.S. veterans an entrance fee waiver when joining a local Lions club. Eligible veterans include retired U.S. military personnel…

Cottonwood Clay Sculpture – December 2014

Some examples of what you can learn to do in the Cottonwood Clay Sculpture Class!

Evelyn Shea Hello! And welcome if you are a returning winter visitor or have just moved here. You are just in time to enjoy the winter holidays and the sunshine – without the snow! Don’t stress the holidays this year! The Cottonwood Clay Sculpture class invites you to join them. Create your own gifts while…

Rotarian of the Month for November

Rotarian of the Month Chuck (Charles) Deuth

Colette McNally Chuck [Charles] Deuth was awarded the title of Rotarian of the Month for November. Chuck, who is married to Kathy, has two children and three grandchildren and comes to us from Kansas where he pursued a degree in mathematics and taught math before turning to sales with IBM and other financial service organizations.…