Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. If it is December it must be the time of Hanukkah and Christmas. Each year interfaith couples agonize whether the celebration of these holidays are religious adventures or commercial enterprises. There is a tugging at the heart strings because respect for one another’s faith is the foundation of the commitment made…
Category: Religion
Religion, December 2016
Important discussion on the Anti-Israel Movement set for January 8
On Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 3:00 p.m., The Friends of Israel, Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation will present a discussion on the Anti-Israel movement called “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” (BDS). The guest speaker is Shahar Edry, Director of the Israel Center at the Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix. The title of his talk is BDS:…
Religion, December 2016
Christmas Grace
Religion, December 2016
The Reason for the Season
Jerry McGhee, Pastor, Sun Lakes Community Church The novel entitled Godric of Finchale chronicles the wanderings and experiences of a 12th century English monk. I was struck by a comment he made about Christians. Godric had been to Christmas Mass and while reflecting upon the significance of the Mass, he said, “An easy thing it is…
Religion, December 2016
December meeting notice for Jewish Congregation Sisterhood
The December 15 meeting of the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood will be an interesting afternoon with author Marcia Fine who will discuss her book, Paris Lamb. This intriguing book tells the story of a biblical archaeologist who leaves his Paris vacation and his new-found love to investigate ancient artifacts tied to a suspicious death.…
Religion, December 2016
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation

Allan Levy, Publicity Director The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation (SLJC) is an established reform congregation that meets at the Sun Lakes Chapel on the second Friday of the month from September through June. In July and August, a rabbinic led twilight service is held in the Sun Lakes Chapel at 5:30 p.m. Services are a…
Religion, December 2016
Guess who’s coming to town?

Guess who’s coming to town? Right now depending upon your age and your circumstances there are several reactions. Children squeal with delight and start singing about a guy in a red suit who has been keeping a close eye on their behavior. They of course are convinced that they have been nothing less than angelic…
Religion, December 2016
“Come Messiah King” December 11
The Sunday morning service on December 11 at 9:30 a.m. will be devoted totally to the Christmas musical that the church choir will be presenting. The cantata, Come Messiah King, will be a multi-media presentation that will lead the audience from the prophesy to the birth of the Messiah and as the real gift to…
Religion, December 2016
Unity: Sacred season
Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a spiritual community. We are open and accepting, positive and prayerful and embrace a healthy lifestyle. Jesus Christ is our teacher as well as other spiritual masters both past and present. We hold to the truth that the life of God is at the center of every person no…