Category: Front Page

SLCT ends year with major accomplishments

Roger Edmonds presents Uyen Hoang with a $500 check. Hoang was the winner of SLCT’s first ever scholarship.

Andrea Hummel The end of the year party for Sun Lakes Community Theatre is always a special evening. Members who have worked in an SLCT event during the past year receive a free meal and enjoy a chance to visit with friends. Those members who were unable to participate in the theatre’s activities may still…

Chordaires presents Sun Lakes Frivolity

Patrice Reis “We’re getting very excited about our spring show coming up in just a few days now,” announces Chordaires Spring Show Chair Sandra Boycynesky with exuberance, “We’ve been getting ready for months and can’t wait to share all the fun with our audience.” Sun Flakes Frivolity will be performed at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.…

Forward the Splash

Chelsea Johnson Are you going to be away from Sun Lakes for two or more months? If the answer is yes, don’t forget to contact the newspaper office to forward or stop delivery of the Sun Lakes Splash. There are multiple ways you can submit your request to forward or temporarily stop delivery of the…

2015 Crystal Award recipients honored at wine reception

Pictured left to right are the 2015 recipients of the Crystal Award: Gil Hendry, Woody Neiman, Ronald Isaacson, Elaine Hair, Wayne Devoky and Don Hicks.

Dee Rasmussen Past Crystal Award recipients honored the 2015 recipients at a wine reception held Wednesday, January 28 at the home of Dee Rasmussen. Those honored were Wayne Devoky, Elaine Hair, Gil Hendry, Don Hicks, Ronald Isaacson and Woody Neiman. This is the sixth year of the Crystal Awards honoring those for their outstanding volunteerism…

Cottonwood Lady Niners win State Medallion

Cottonwood Lady Niners’ State Medallion winners received crystal vases and a traveling trophy January 19. Pictured from left are Kelly Hollister, AWGA Governing Board; Bill Todd, Director of Maintenance; Lynn Tanner, Co-Medallion winner; Desmond Dakin, Head Golf Professional; Jan Lien, Co-Medallion winner; and Julie Penn, AWGA Governing Board.

Lila Ritchie Sun Lakes – Cottonwood’s Lady Niners golfing duo Lynn Tanner and Jan Lien topped a field of 254 golfers in the Arizona Women’s Golf Association’s annual State Medallion tournament. It was held January 7 at Ocotillo Golf course. A ceremony January 29 at Cottonwood honored Tanner and Lien with AWGA reps Julie Penn…

6th annual Bingo Bonanza March 24

San Tan Crown Rotary Club will hold its sixth annual Bingo Bonanza Fundraiser on Tuesday March 24, 2015. This year’s event will be held at the Palo Verde Country Club Dining Room, 10801 E San Tan Blvd here in Sun Lakes. The fun will start at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are just $20 and each ticket…

20 years of Rockin’ Our Souls

Members of the choirs of the Christian churches and Jewish congregation meet for the first rehearsal of their interdenominational choir for the Sun Lakes Choir Festival.

Carol Hoepner Although March may come in like a lamb or a lion, why not be sure March will arrive in a special way by greeting it with an afternoon of enjoyable music by attending the 20th anniversary concert of the Sun Lakes Interfaith Music Festival? If you enjoy a variety of music, both vocal…