Coach Kwong’s Tennis Tips

Coach Kwong Young

We all have experienced this, and too often it is on full display—frustration! You may play great during practice, but when it comes to team matches, your play may suffer. If you are an inconsistent player, this will equate to frustration for sure! Players may be upset with themselves, and it shows on the court as anger. Sadly, their doubles partner sees this and doesn’t know how to help them control their emotions. This is when self-destruction happens. Many players don’t realize it, but their shot selection or ball placement on the court accompanied by poor footwork prevents them from Perfect Distance (PD). Players who don’t “read the ball,” meaning how you return the ball depends on what’s given to you. You may very well be trying to hit a shot, but you are doing it with the wrong ball, and a lack of patience prevents you from striking it the way you’d like. You’re “gambling” with your performance. Wishing and hoping don’t typically work out in your and playing partner’s favor. So this new year, play with mindfulness. Choose your shot selection wisely, and control your emotions.

Thank you, and have a great day.