This keyboard, black with yellow keys with large black lettering is very easy to read; check out “Keys U See” online for more information. Keys are easier to see especially with those bi and tri focal. I certainly find it handy with my half glasses.
Sue Klein, Publicity Coordinator
January 6 at 7:00 p.m. at Sun Lakes Country Club in the Navajo room opens our computer year. Our speaker this month is Bryan Johnson, Director of Marketing for Orbitel. Orbitel is our local company that provides TV and internet connection.
Computer News – have you heard about “Real Pad,” a tablet designed to AARP’S specifications? For a very reasonable price you get a tablet that is lightweight and portable and it has a camera on the front and back. It allows the user three important things seniors love to do; send e-mail, play games and listen to music.
We have classes!
Fun with Your iPad – facilitator is Bill Maxwell. Class is from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Mondays, January 12, 19 and 26. Please call Clark Wells at 602-391-4653 to register.
Social Networking, texting, iPods to iTunes, online shopping and banking – Facilitator is Sue Klein. There is a $15 book required, registration with Clark Wells at 602-391-4653, (class is from 6:30-8:00 p.m.). Classes are January 14, 21 and 28. Sue is also asking for knowledgeable helpers who can help the students. Please register with Clark due to the fact we need to order sufficient books. Helpers call Sue at 895-3528.
Some classes have a book and last several weeks. Students pay for the book the first night of class. Other classes are taught by our member facilitators and are free to the membership. Our class offerings include Windows 7, Windows 8.1, tablets and cell phones; plus “One-Shot” classes on one specific subject offered once or twice a year. For example, taking pictures with your tablet and sending them to your other devices.
All classes are held in the Arts and Crafts Room in Sun Lakes Country Club. Our membership focus is classes for adults living in Sun Lakes and surrounding communities. Membership registration can cover one person for $36 or a couple for $48. This covers the nine main meetings featuring computer presentations and assistance, plus classes.
Contact Guy Laroche at [email protected] to join the club or follow membership info on our website at Computerbooters.Org (membership is required to participate in all classes).