Cottonwood Ladies Extended Spring League

Left to right: Gwen Lucas (third place), Julie Evans (second place), Julia Romanin (first place and Queen of Aces), Carol Trentadue (most defaults), and co-coordinators Toni Reider and Susie Dunn

This spring Cottonwood had an extended tennis league for our female club players. We started out with a roster of many players and four subs. Sadly, our snowbirds had to leave us during the seven weeks we played, but we still had a successful season. We had first, second, and third place winners, as well as keeping track of most aces and most defaults made for kicks. The participants were Adriana Michael, Anita Frindell, Barb Ludwig, Cindy Cloke, Gwen Lucase, Judy Rogers, Julia Romanin, Julie Evans, Linda Dirksmeyer, Mary Jane Robinson, Neda Mead, Renee Hansen, Susan Aparicio, Susie Dunn, Tammy Knight, Tina Carr, Pat McRoberts, Lisa Kitter-Lupypciw, Luana Capponi, Christine Wiesbrock, Sandy Casale, Lynn Cox, Carol Trentadue, Pary Park, Wanda Johnson, Ollie Johnson, Barb Jorgensen, and Maryann Sinerius.

We followed our last day of play on May 13 with an ice cream celebration, distribution of prizes, and many, many laughs. We are all looking forward to summer play!