Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken

It’s that time of year again when we can say goodbye to 110+ degree temperatures and hello to renewing friendships with folks who are returning to the best adult community in the US of A. The golf courses always look the nicest just before we cut them back for overseeding. Hats off to the grounds crews and their leadership for the job they’ve done under extremely tough conditions to achieve a level of playability that surpasses all the Arizona courses (four) I’ve played this summer.

Welcome back, snowbirds! We are about to embark upon another scintillating year of fun and competition with the Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association. New officers will be introduced at our November meeting, and they will take charge the first of the year. Look for a smooth transition from one administration to another and volunteer for opportunities to help. There are many jobs, large and small, which need to be done, and you are just the person to do it.

Club dues this coming year will be $60. If you wish to participate in Ringers, add $5. If you wish to participate in CADG, that’s another $8. In addition, AGA (Arizona Golf Association) dues are $55, which includes handicap services. Watch our club website for further instructions about how to pay online in October. Sounds like a lot of money, but one must consider the benefits. It’s less than one month’s Medicare tax. It’s hard to buy one full tank of gas for that amount. The benefits of being part of the Cottonwood Ladies Golf community are priceless.

We’ve had several members of our circle who have had challenging health issues over the summer. The support we receive from each other is of incalculable benefit. See you all in November!