Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association

Judy Onken

CLGA wrapped up its 2023-24 season with a May luncheon, which closed a great season of fun, frolic, and festivity. Our very capable Executive Committee kept the wheels on our bus going round and round with a return of our exchange with the Lady Niners and an added event with the Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association. Gatherings at Sisk Park and weekly patio get-togethers after golf provided opportunities to chat and get better acquainted. The “Color for the Month” was well received and often surprised us with how many shades exist for the same color.

The annual highlight was, of course, the Member/Guest Tournament. The patio party and putting contest was outstanding, and much credit goes to Diane French and Alice Barber for heading up this effort. Mo England outdid herself once again with the putting contest. Winning the grand prize will have me drinking Fireball all summer. It takes several volunteers to make this event work, and leading them is like herding cats, but these gals “got-r done.”

Our own Kathryn Campbell took high honors in our major tournaments this year. Kathryn won Match Play, the Partner’s Tournament with Deb Bohac, and the Club Championship. She is our own Nelly Korda, though Nelly edged her out slightly in earnings. Diane Tenney was the top-notch golfer in the Handicap Tournament.

There are a number of unsung heroes in our club family who need, in my opinion, a shout-out. Kathy Langston and Mo England do a great job in recruiting new members. Mo makes the official photographer assignment look easier than it is, too. Sandy Eeds as our webmaster keeps us informed on all club happenings, from schedule to results to rules. We are grateful for her skill. Mary Ann Sorenson, our hospitality chairman, is particularly busy with notifications of member illness, loss of a loved one, and the like. Thank you, all

As we close out this year, we also look forward with great anticipation to the next. Our tournament chairman will have a hip replaced in July, so I expect there will be games that favor those of us with titanium-enhanced joints.