Cottonwood Lady Niners December Fun

Bette Lu Buchanan

December brought lots of fun to the Lady Niners, including team and individual games of great imagination! On Dec. 7 the game was called “Lagging,” with the winner being Jean Nelson, followed by Mary Lou Jones, Beth Johnson, and Pat Tjosvold. We played “123” on Dec. 14, with the winning foursome being Jo Yeager, Jean Nelson, Laura Corothers, and Julie Little.

Winners of the “Cheater’s Scramble” on Dec. 21 were the team of Kat Widmer, Linda Weber, Sandra LaBute, and Barb Sletto. Members were encouraged to wear Christmas garb, with many being very imaginative! After golf, we met on the Cottonwood patio for a fun cookie exchange.

On the final Thursday of December, we played “T’s and F’s,” which means we only count the holes beginning with “T” or “F” to be a winner. Flight 1 winners were as follows: 1st Karen Flanagan, 2nd Margo Sodahl, 3rd Linda Weber, 4th Susan Utzinger, 5th Mary Lou Jones. Flight 2 winners were as follows: 1st Julie Little, 2nd Cindy Fulton, 3rd Hazel Ludwig, 4th Laura Rowland.