Lila Ritchie
Rachel Wilson was named the Most Improved Golfer of the season at Cottonwood’s annual farewell luncheon April 14. Held on the Pro Shop patio, about 60 ladies attended the catered event. While golf continues through May, the ladies’ competitive play ended in April. League play resumes November 3.
Eden Carter (low gross) and Diane Hill (low net) won State Medallion competition and will represent the club in the annual statewide competition January 15, 2017 at Pebble Creek Golf Club. Lynn Tanner (low gross) placed second and Diana DePree and Jerry Jordan tied for second (low net).
President Bette Lu Buchanan announced that current officers will retain their positions for the 2016-17 year. Dixie McQuaid, vice president; Cathy Kinnick, secretary; and Lynn Tanner, treasurer, complete the slate.
Diana DePree will be the public relations representative next year.
In April play, the winners were as follows:
4/07. Five Blind Holes – Flight One: 1st (tie) Kathy Skrei and Donna Walgren, 2nd (tie) Eden Carter and Rachelle Wilson, 3rd (tie) Benie Marie Beaumont and Millie Hague;, Flight Two: 1st Karen LaPointe, 2nd (tie) Jackie Coats and Diana DePree, 3rd Margie Brandon; Flight Three: 1st Judy Hultgren, 2nd (tie) Donna Royle and Judy Nicely, 3rd (tie) Lorraine Berg and Patti Landry
4/14. Farewell Scramble: 1st Team Lane Kemper, Judy Nicely, Kathy Skrei and Leslie Swan, 2nd Team Moe Bleth, Cathy Kinnick, Barb Schmoekel and Lynn Tanner, 3rd Team Eden Carter, Diane Hill, Sandy Jackson and Kay Kauttzman
4/21. Step-A-Side Scramble: 1st Team Sharon Howard, Marlene Knightley, Dixie McQuaid and Judi Mora, 2nd Team Moe Bleth, Eden Carter and Lane Kemper, 3rd Team Cathy Kinnick, Patti Seiberling and Conna Walgren
4/28. Niners Circle Four: Flight One: 1st Nancy Gehlbach, 2nd Rachelle Wilson, 3rd (tie) Millie Hague and Bennie Marie Beaumont; Flight Two: 1st Judy Howell, 2nd Judi Mora, 3rd Margie Brandon; Flight Three: 1st (tie) Mary Ann Loran and Lorrie Morgan, 2nd (tie) Donna Royle and Kay Kautzman, 3rd Judy Nicely