Well, that was a summer for the history books! But looking forward, Lady Niners is ready to kick off a new season of golf, fun, and friendship. Nov. 5 will be our first day of play. As of this writing (and we know things change), it will be tee times like we finished last season. The first foursome will be setting out at 12:30 p.m., and continuing until dark (just kidding). Also, as of now, one person per cart; and signing in and depositing score cards to be determined. There will still be chip-in money to be won, but no pre-game meetings on the deck. Some great news is we are again able to offer a Gender Day golf rate for those who choose to pay green fees this way. The amount of $425 will cover you for nine holes of golf every Thursday afternoon, until season’s end—the last of May. Annual golf membership or punch cards are also available.
Niners membership applications have been sent out to current members, and are also available in the Cottonwood Pro Shop. Renewal is $70 and $75 for new members; this includes AGA handicap and weekly prize monies. You can contact Membership Chair Judy Whitney at ljwhit1@hotmail.com or Moe Bleth at 480-235-2198 with questions.
There are lots of fun events planned for this season. First up is the Welcome Back Brunch on Nov. 12. There is a limited attendance in the ballroom, so get your reservation purchased early. Breakfast brunch is $12.50 per person, and drink specials of Bloody Maries and Mimosas are $3.50. Our Christmas Party will be Dec. 17, weather permitting on the Pro Shop deck, but using the ballroom is our backup plan. Sharon Howard, our social chair, has a fun event planned for every month! Questions? Email Sharon at sckhoward@gmail.com.
See you on the golf course. Be ready for a new season of fun! “If you think it’s hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball.” —Jack Lemmon