Cottonwood Tennis Club Elects a New Board of Directors

Cottonwood Tennis Club Board of Directors: Past President Maryann Sinerius, Vice President Mike Zeman, Tournament Director Dean Sinerius, Treasurer Cindy McCarville, Secretary Barb Jorgensen, and President Rick Kendall

Cottonwood Tennis Club recently selected a new board of directors. They are President Rick Kendall, Vice President Mike Zeman, Treasurer Cindy McCarville, Secretary Barb Jorgensen, and Tournament Director Dean Sinerius. This group will make decisions about finances, number of tournaments and socials, and rules for signing up to play.

Don’t forget that on Monday nights, the club offers a tennis clinic from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. You do not have to be a member to participate. Also on Thursday evenings, there’s open tennis at all levels, also open to anyone. Fridays are reserved for mixed doubles, both in the afternoon and evening.

For information regarding membership in Cottonwood Tennis Club, contact Membership Chair Susan Hood at