Cottonwood Tennis Club offers free lessons to newcomers and members

Penny Petersen

Cottonwood Tennis Club has a long history of introducing newcomers to the joys of tennis as well as providing competitive and non-competitive ways to enjoy the sport. One of the best offerings CTC has is the free lessons provided every Monday and Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. from early October through April. The tradition was started by Don Neu, CTC’s guru of tennis, 25+ years ago. Pierre Moresi served as his assistant. Pierre took over the program after Don’s passing. The free lessons are open to all learners, even if they do not live in Sun Lakes. Thursday and Sunday night drop-in tennis sessions are scheduled year-round.

About 80 people each week are benefited through the lessons and practice sessions. Moresi coordinates the effort and is assisted by Al Wagner, Heidi Gilbert, Barry Mowers, Ollie Johnson and Joan Osoinach. Wagner manages the Tuesday sessions. According to Moresi, there have been many people who learn about what CTC offers and end up moving to Cottonwood/Palo Verde because of the excellence of play and the comradery.

Year-round, there are designated days for play: Monday and Wednesday (women’s organized), Tuesday and Thursday (men’s organized) and Friday (mixed doubles). Competitive tournaments include the Rainbow Classic in October, the Triple-T in December, Men’s and Women’s Doubles in January, Mixed Doubles in February and the East/West Tournament in March. There are also Saturday “socials” with other tennis clubs. Snacks and beverages are served at all tournaments. There are also three dinner gatherings per year where everyone gets together to celebrate (November, December and February) and a picnic in March.

Hundreds of people have gone through the classes, often starting with fear and trepidation, and ending up participating in many of the competitive tournaments offered by the club. CTC has the reputation of being the friendliest tennis club around, a place where members make life-long friends as well as participating in a great sport.

According to current CTC President Nadine Sutter, Cottonwood Tennis Club (Cottonwood/Palo Verde) was established in l982. “CTC has offered a fun physical activity since then, along with companionship and friendship for all members. We welcome all interested persons to visit our website for more details about the many activities available.”