Crystal Card Project Plays Santa

Some of the many gifts donated for the families living at My Sister’s Place

Bobbie Reed

The Crystal Card Project made Christmas a little merrier this year. Acting as Santa, volunteers delivered over 100 gifts and gift cards for the families living at My Sister’s Place, a shelter for those escaping domestic violence.

The shelter is affiliated with Catholic Charities, which provides funding for operations such as staff and basic supplies. But special things like Christmas presents are simply not part of the budget. And for those struggling to start over, there is little money for extras.

The donated gifts and gift cards, generously given by members of our community, helped ensure that each child had some gifts to open on Christmas morning.

Sales of Crystal Cards, refashioned from previously used cards, raises money for the shelter. You can buy these cards for $1 each. All the profits go to help those living at My Sister’s Place. Two sales scheduled for January are:

* Wednesday, Jan. 5, at the Women’s Coffee, beginning at 10:30 a.m. in Cottonwood’s San Tan Ballroom

* Wednesday, Jan. 12, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Bradford Room in the Oakwood clubhouse

You can learn more about The Crystal Card Project and My Sister’s Place on the website along with a calendar of upcoming sales events.