CW Niners news


Lorri Morgan, Publicity

Golf, Fun and Food! The CW Lady Niner’s invited the CW 18’ers to play nine holes with us on February 1. That left plenty of time to eat on the Pro Shop patio afterwards. The weather was perfect, food was good and some new golf friendships were created. Some of our guests liked getting to tee off from the Gold Tee’s too. We had a full house with A and B starts on almost every hole, 44 ladies joining us from the 18’ers. The armoured truck full of money never showed up, so bragging rights were announced instead. The front 9 winning teams were Eden Carter, Gail Garvey, Kathy Bushbaum and Patti Landry; 2nd: Jane Mattson, Nancy Gehlbach, Cathy Brabant and Kay Kautzman; 3rd: Nancy Howell, Dianne Papailannou, Leean Mickelson and Diane Rutowski. The back 9 winners: Lynn Tanner, Sandy Eeds, Kathleen Gardner and Sharon Spahr; 2nd: Diane Tenney, Jeannette Chenier, Diane Hill and Anita Hopkins; 3rd: Tammy Bailey, Barb Sherman, Lorri Morgan and Brenda Ledene.

Our January 4 game was Blind Partners, and the winning teams were Joanne Baker and Ruth Einck, Jerry Jordan and Lynn Tanner, Linda Weber and Donna Royal, Donna Wolmutt and Julie Schneider, Lane Kemper and Lorri Morgan, Kay Kautzman and Patti Landry, Pam Wagoner and Pauline Corcoran, and Carol Healy and Carole Kinderman. January 11 was Select a Drive. Flight One winners were Sheila Axtman, Linda Carr and Lynn Tanner, Barbara Sherman, Pauline Corcoran and Rachelle Wilson; Flight Two: Cathy Brabant, Bette Lu Buchanan, Kathy Bushbaum, Jacquie Poetker and Margie Brower; Flight Three: Iris Hardy, Anita Hopkins, Linda Sparks, Pam Wagoner, Lorri Morgan, Donna Walgren and Judy Whitney; Flight Four: Julie Monnin, Pat Kivi, Mary Ann Loran and Shirley Trusal.

January 18 and 25 were the Club Championship rounds. As of this writing, the winners are still a secret. Low Gross winners in Flight One: Sheila Axtman, Dee Monsonis and Lois Lewis; Flight Two: Sue Schafer, Donna Wolmutt, Margie Brandon and Rachelle Wilson; Flight Three: Iris Hardy, Janet Proctor, Marge Brower and Ginger Mays; Flight Four: Carol Healy, Patti Landry, Cathy Sullivan, Barbara Gann and Julie Schneider. Low Net winners – Flight One: Nancy Gehlbach, Lynn Tanner, Andrea Steinhaeusser, Gail Wooldridge and Barb Sherman; Flight Two: Margie Brandon, Marge Brower, Betty Lu Buchanan and Diane Hill; Flight Three: Jerry Jordan, Ginger Mays, Anita Hopkins, Carole Kinderman and Pam Wagoner; Flight Four: Patti Landry, Shirley Trusal and Mary Ann Loran. Total Pro Shop chits given out for the month were $407. CW Niner’s membership climbed again to 106 ladies having FUN! And your golf truism for the day: The ball always lands where the pin was yesterday.